World Day milk at school
With this celebration the importance of children know the value of health for consumption of milk and milk products is emphasized. The Spanish government is working on a national strategy consumption of dairy products in schools, with a budget of over 7 million.

Spanish exports to Cuba could raise $ 200 million a year
Solunion, an expert in credit insurance company, analyzes the latest survey of its shareholder Euler Hermes on the future of Cuba after the embargo ended. United States became the main beneficiary thanks to increased exports to the island worth 1,000 million dollars a year.

The annual meeting of NAFO maintains the stability of the quotas available to the Spanish fleet
Slightly increases the quota for cod in Division 3M. The remaining stocks of interest to Spain maintain their quotas or increase slightly from the previous year. Protection zones in the NAFO closed to fishing on seamounts present in the Regulatory Area, to be important places for vulnerable marine ecosystems expand.

III Sipcam Iberia Conference: “Innovations for citrus”
The Cortijo El Chamorro in Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) welcomes to the III Sipcam Iberia Conference: "Innovations for citrus", that takes place on October 1st, an event which serves to discuss innovation and meet with the help of international experts the latest solutions for one of the most relevant sectors of our agriculture.

Argentina awards the Spanish oil DOP Priego de Córdoba
The "Rincón de la Subbética" brand is awarded the Grand Champion Other varieties and the Great Prestige 2015 Gold Award in the International Competition of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Olivinus 2015 in Argentina. The other firm also host the Spanish DOP Priego de Cordoba, "Parqueoliva Gold Series", has won the award Gran Prestigio Oro.

Norwegian Salmon and Sushi, a success story
Although the Sushi has an ancient tradition, the Norwegian Salmon Sushi in 1985. In 20 years, Japan has increased from 2 in 1980 imported 90,000 tonnes today.

The Spanish adult population suspended in oily fish consumption recommended
Suffice a fact. Up to 52% of the Spanish population over 40 years consume less amounts of blue which establishes the Mediterranean diet and the World Organization recommends fish - two servings a week, and almost 30% admit never ingest.

Mexico: We wasted a third of food
The losses are due to the lack of quality standards and certifications in value chains; inefficient management of inputs and outputs; bad management practices; inadequate transport systems, distribution and storage; lack of adequate infrastructure; improper use of packaging and packaging, and insufficient staff training.

Argentina succeeded in opening the market of meat from Canada
Health authorities in Canada approved the official veterinary certificate sent by the SENASA, which is open the Canadian market for meat Argentina, which will be operational within two months.

Agriculture Minister highlights the support for agricultural exports to new markets
The Catalan Minister of Agriculture asked the central government to facilitate the search for markets for pigmeat sectors and sweet fruit