Spain: Pears production recovers while apples fell by 20% in Catalonia
Apple drop from last year but up compared to the last five years.

Spain: An improvement is expected in the prices of potatoes castellanoleonesas
After a 35% nationally, prices could average between 0.18 and…

USA: Spanish oil consumption wins the traditional Italian
It is true that even the good olive oil relates, that triumphs…

Spain: Fehr announces a new edition of the National Awards for Hospitality
The National Federation of Hotels, Fehr, has just opened the…

Spain: Mac born FRUITATTRACTION, a synergy between Fruit Attraction and Macfrut
The exhibition operators in Spain and Italy, IFEMA and Cesena…

Mexico: Mexico and Guatemala have activated a consultation at the WTO against Costa Rica
Both countries maintain commercial mechanisms triggered concern…

Extenda promote business contacts with importers from Colombia and Peru
Bakery and olive oil prevail in these Latin American markets…

Spanish chef José Andrés will not open a restaurant in the hotel Donald Trump
The Spanish chef Jose Andres decides to break its ties with Donald…

Spain: Barcelona Degusta brings together 10 Michelin stars in more than 90 activities and workshops
The popular food festival to be held in Fira de Barcelona Montjuic…

Spain: The winners of the promotion “Los Reyes know everything” travel to the Canary Islands to learn about the cultivation of bananas
Participants in the promotion awarded by the brand last January…