
Bayer, sponsor of the 14th Congress of solanaceae and III of cucurbitaceae, held in Valencia
Bayer has participated in the Solanaceae and Cucurbit genomics Congress, held from 3th to 6th September at the Valencia Congress Center, which has brought together more than 400 scientists from all over the world to share experiences and knowledge in the field of the molecular genomics of these two important plant families, with crops as important in Spain as pepper, tomato, eggplant and cucumber, zucchini, melon and watermelon.

Miguel Vargas: “The demand for organic products is growing”
The Cooperativa Agraria y Ganadera San Isidro, better known as CASI, is one of the main marketers of tomatoes for fresh consumption worldwide. Located in the province of Almeria, it has three production centers from which it supplies its large customer base (exports about 40%). Its aim is to continue to exercise leadership in tomato production, mainly through innovation and quality. As a result, it launched its new 'CASI Aeropuerto' center a year ago, and expanded its catalog with products from organic farming. From e-Commerce Agrarian we have talked with its president, Miguel Vargas, about it.

HORTIESPAÑA plans in Fruit Attraction the establishment of a European fruit and vegetable Interprofessional
Throughout the three days of Fruit Attraction, the Spanish Interprofessional Organisation of Fruits and Vegetables (HORTIESPAÑA) plans an intense and comprehensive agenda that includes receiving different visits, hold meetings with distributors and meetings with representatives of European cross,to face the proposed establishment of a Interprofessional European Organization

Unstoppable biological control in the “orchard in Europe”
The Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Andalusia (HORTYFRUTA) is aware of the importance of biological control for horticulture under Andalusian coat this morning a "qualitative study on the use of biological control in greenhouse crops of the Almeria coast and Granada "made from June to September 2015. The study received financial support from the Andalusian Government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).