
Globalcaja participates in the First Almendro International Forum
Globalcaja has supported the I International Almond Forum, which has been held at the Congress Palace of Albacete. The vice president of the entity, Herminio Molina, has attended the meeting, as another example of the commitment that Globalcaja has with this important productive sector in the region.

VI.P- Apples Val Venosta is restructured to better adapt to market demands
The Val Venosta Association of Fruit and Vegetable Cooperatives, VI.P Val Venosta Apples, has introduced the new changes that affect the structure of its organization, and with which it aims to reach the market with greater strength, speed and capacity of adapting to the new needs of consumers.

The almond tree: a great opportunity for Spanish fruit growing
By Federico Dicenta and José Egea. Group of Genetic Improvement…

Andalusia asks the MAPAMA to allocate a budget item to expedite possible compensation for Xylella
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, has requested the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) to estimate a budget item, to guarantee those affected by the Xylella Fastidiosa the greater agility in the process of his indemnifications. Sánchez Haro also advocates establishing a "legal framework that gives security to farmers" and avoid possible inequalities between producers who may be affected by Xylella fastidiosa in different Autonomous Communities.

The Generalitat Valenciana confirms the first case of Xylella fastidiosa in the Peninsula
The Department of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development of the Generalitat Valenciana has confirmed the first detection of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa in the Iberian Peninsula, specifically in a plantation of almonds in the municipality of Guadalest in the Alicante region of the Navy Low.

Hundreds of citrus groves and olive trees affected by fire in Bolbaite (Valencia)
The Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA) has warned that…