
Cuba: Obama brings a new phase of relations looms
The US president, Barack Obama, has already landed in Havana. It is a historic official visit. It´s almost 90 years ago that a leader of that country was not above the island. The event occurs after deciding both governments restore diplomatic relations after more than 50 years of break.

Peru lifts up trade barriers to US beef
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation establishes specific health requirements mandatory for imports of meat and edible offal chilled or frozen bovine compliance from the United States (US).

EE.UU., Insurance value for Spanish exports of table olives
Growing exports of table olives to the US despite the overall decline of 5% in 2015. ASEMESA Assembly has presented in its sector performance during 2015, which have been exported 346.1 million kilos worth 713.6 million euros. The Association notes that the balance of 2014 was particularly high due to cyclical reasons type and welcomes the results of last year.

Mexico and USA reinforce the cooperation on food safety
The cooperative work of the National Health Service, Food Safety and Quality (SENASICA) and the Food and Drug Administration US (FDA) have been proposed to achieve a deep and thorough understanding of each food safety systems.

Francisco Mtz. Arroyo: “We focuse on promotion quality figures designations of origin and organic farming”
Castilla-La Mancha for the highest priority is the food industry, since it is the largest exporter of the Spanish region with a large expanse of vineyards. We interview Francisco Martínez Arroyo, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development of Castilla-La Mancha

ICEX in the USA gourmet mecca
West Coast American country will target of eight Spanish companies which are going to know the characteristics of the market for gourmet products. ICEX Spain Export and Investment organized the tour of shops and supermarkets in this niche business of food and fair Winter Fancy Food Show, which runs from 15 to 17 January visit.

Spain among EU leading foreign trade of eggs through the US
Spain quadruples egg exports to third countries. Between July and September, Spain sent half the eggs exported from the European Union (EU) to the United States. It is the country that increased the volume of table eggs exported from the EU from January to September 2015, with 25,717 tons, almost quadrupling the 6,700 tonnes shipped to third countries in the same period last year. The turnover amounted to 68 million euros.

Trelleborg Manufactures its First Agricultural Tire in North America
Trelleborg has announced that it has manufactured its very first agricultural tire in North America at its new production facility in Spartanburg, South Carolina, U.S. The 40,000 square meters / 430,000 square feet production facility is Trelleborg’s first in North America dedicated to the manufacture of premium radial tires for agricultural machinery. The facility boasts state-of-the-art machinery designed according to the latest Trelleborg technology standards.

Mexico feeding the world: opportunities for mexican food industry. Ximena Caraza-Campos. ProMéxico
For over two decades, Mexico has embarked on a steady path towards trade liberalization and deregulation of foreign investment. The 10 treaties-sequence of free trade agreements signed by our country that give preferential access to 45 countries, equivalent to over 60% of have not only made Mexico one of the world's most open-GDP mundial economies, but have profoundly changed trade patterns in the various sectors of the national economy.

Cereal production near of the edge of milestone
The International Grains Council (IGC) expects world cereal production to decline by only 1% in 2015-2016 compared to last year's record, thanks to the large stocks, is expected to total supply reaches a new high. Although the increase in supply will be absorbed largely by strong demand, it is expected that stocks reach their highest figure in 29 years.