Syngenta implements pollination practices to preserve biodiversity in Abadía Retuerta vineyards
The Abadía Retuerta farm, located in the Valladolid municipality of Sardón del Duero, practices environmentally friendly agriculture and recovers biodiversity in the margins of its vineyards, through Operation Pollinator, an international program implemented by Syngenta with the collaboration of different scientific organizations in Spain, whose objective is the establishment of specific habitats for pollinating insects in the margins of the crops, which allow the creation of natural refuges for pollinators and encourage the presence of other arthropods useful as predators and parasitoids.
ADAMA launches an app that offers phytosanitary assistance to the farmer
ADAMA Agriculture Spain has launched the new FitoAid app to help farmers choose the best solution to deal with different pests and weeds in crops. A plant health management, in the palm of the hand, according to the current times and available for IOS and Android systems. It includes a mixing assistant and different cultivation guides to make the correct phytosanitary management easier.
Spain: The main OPAs form an alliance that defends the renewal of the authorization of glyphosate
The Agricultural Professional Organizations (OPAs) at national and general level ASAJA and UPA, Agro-alimentary Cooperatives of Spain, the Spanish Federation of Producers Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Living Plants (FEPEX) and the Spanish Association of Conservation Agriculture / Soils Living (AEAC.SV), together with representatives of thousands of farmers, farmers, cooperatives, entrepreneurs and exporters of the Spanish agricultural sector, have formed the alliance ALAS - Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, to express support for the model of agriculture Sustainable intensification of production and renewal of the authorization of glyphosate for the maximum period authorized in Community regulations, justified by scientific criteria regarding their safety and use, environmental and economic and productive criteria.
The agricultural division of Bayer increased its sales in Spain by 4% during 2016
Bayer's agricultural division (Bayer Crop Science) closed 2016 with a 4% increase in its sales in Spain, which amounted to 193 million euros, confirming the positive trend in our country of this area of business of the company, whose turnover during last year in the Iberia region was 223 million euros, 2.6% more than in 2015. Despite the decline experienced by sales of Bayer Crop Science in Portugal, which in 2016 were 30 million (-6%), this division has been experiencing improvement and growth as a whole, which respond to Bayer's commitment to providing innovative and sustainable solutions to farmers.
PRESTOP®, novelty of MASSÓ for the integrated control of diseases
PRESTOP®, novelty of MASSÓ for the integrated control of diseases
Innovation space unprecedented in the field of agrarian organizations european
"Committed to our land" is the slogan raised by the Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA) and the principle underlying its most ambitious project, the Experimental Farm 'Sinyent' in which, through an agreement with the Business Association for Plant Protection (AEPLA), it has been experiencing since its inception in 2011, to produce more and better foods.
OECD consensus seeks to achieve a more productive and sustainable global food system
The aim of the Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is to achieve a consensus among the ministers on the principles of agricultural policies to achieve a new policy paradigm for agriculture and feeding the world.
Chile: FIA prioritizes to innovation in sustainable agriculture
A total of 30 national initiatives call for "Research and Innovation Projects in sustainable agriculture" have been approved by the Council of FIA. The contest was aimed at the management of natural, productive and technological resources in a sustainable manner, enabling them to face the changes in the behavior of the climatic variables that affect structurally to farming, agrifood and forestry sector.