
Idai Nature Chair’s bid for biopesticides as a more sustainable alternative to chemists
The Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), through its Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineers, and the company Idai Nature have organized a conference on the present and future of biopesticides in agriculture, framed in its Chair of Bioinsecticides. With this initiative, both institutions seek to encourage "biopesticides to be an effective and natural alternative to chemical methods".

Jaen irrigators successfully tested the first assisted pump with water
The Community of Irrigators Pantano de Rumblar, in the municipality of Villanueva de la Sierra Jaen, is proving successful first hydro-propelled pump for irrigation, designed by the Dutch startup aQysta. After installation and commissioning of 35 of these pumps in several countries, on Tuesday 21st June will be presented at the farmhouse of San Rafael this innovative initiative whose main motivation is economic and environmental sustainability, requiring neither oil nor electricity to operate, because it uses the kinetic energy of water.

Drones to monitor efficient irrigation
The general director of Rural Development and Forestry Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Begoña Nieto, stressed the importance of innovation, knowledge and training to further advance the development and modernization of irrigation. Nieto, who has made these statements at the presentation of the conference "Application of drones in the management of irrigation and fire", has recognized the need to incorporate, as soon as possible, the results of the R + D + i they have developed management of irrigated areas.

Spain, international leader in water savings
Spain is international leader in saving water as a result of having got the transformation of traditional irrigation systems in surface drip systems in more than 49% of the irrigated zones, such as has reported the National Federation of Communities Irrigators (FENACORE) on the occasion of the celebration of World Environment Day on June 5. This process of modernization of irrigation has been being driven by irrigators in collaboration with public administrations, and currently results in a reduction of almost 14% in average annual savings of irrigation water, turning a total consumption nearly 17,000 cubic hectometres into about 14,500 cubic hectometres presently, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE) data, collected by the Federation.

“We want to offer a comprehensive solution tailored to meet the needs of the farmer”. Mónica Andrés
e-Comercio Agrario: Behind the Norwegian word Yara best wishes…

Silvia Cifre: “Innovation remains the basis of the portfolio of BASF, after 150 years of history”
If BASF has come this far, after 150 years of history, it is because innovation from the side of chemistry has supported its development. The current head of Division Crop Protection BASF, Silvia Cifre has exclusive how innovation is expressed in its product portfolio that adapts to the evolution of the market and growing environmental demands, in addition to its commitment to intensive and extensive cultivation in Spain. Cifre also believes that a way to streamline processes for evaluating new technologies would establish a single entity structure.

Brave policies for sustaining fisheries in the Mediterranean sea
Spain has invited the countries bordering the Mare Nostrum and the European Government to take "bold steps" to promote sustainable fisheries management in those waters, which impact the benefit of fishing communities. His thesis argues for tighter regulation of the effort exerted by recreational fishing, the establishment of new protected areas and the increase in the reduction effort aimed at the most sensitive fleets.

Spain: The meat industry continues to party
The Spanish meat industry continues to grow abroad. In 2015, it exported 1.95 million tons worth 4,844 million euros worldwide. The sector accounts for 13% of industrial GDP of the country and more than 21% of the turnover and employment in the food industry. At the event, I have given the ANICE Awards in five categories: "Business Trajectory", "Friends of the Flesh," "Jose Flores Innovation", "Food and Health" and "Sustainability and Environment".

Everything about the International Year of Pulses 2016
And the new web is born with the goal of being an informative reference in Spain when talking about the "International Year of Pulses 2016" is available. On the web all the news, events, publications and videos on this important event and complete information on the benefits of legumes level of health and sustainability, including its many culinary preparations are collected.
Pro Event Calendar

XIV Symposium on Plant Health. Seville
The Official College of Agricultural Technical Engineers of Western Andalusia (COITAND) celebrates the 14th edition of its National Symposium on Plant Protection from January 25th to 27th, at the Meliá Lebreros Hotel in Seville.