
Daymsa presents the new applications of EFICAL WSP via irrigation on strawberries
Daymsa continues its commitment with EFICAL WSP, a nutritional…

The red fruits of Cuna de Platero, protagonists of the II day of health “Activando Huelva”
Cuna de Platero participated this Saturday in the second day of health 'Activando Huelva', where its red fruits have starred in a culinary demonstration with healthy products by the School of Hospitality Santa María de Belén, Huelva. This day, where the cooperative was already present in its previous edition, are organized by the health districts of Huelva-Costa and Condado-Campiña Primary Care.

Cuna de Platero brings the fourth edition of its food education program “Fresayunando” to 2,500 children
Cuna de Platero has inaugurated the fourth edition of its food education program "Fresayunando. Healthy breakfast of Platero Cuna "in which more than 2,500 children from different schools will participate.

Cuna de Platero brings its cooperative model to Huelva university students and bets on digitalisation and innovation and R + D
The cooperative of Moguer (Huelva), Cuna de Platero has presented to students of the University of Huelva its cooperative model and its strategic commitment to digitalization and innovation and R & D, on the occasion of its participation in the second edition of the conference 'Business Week', recently held by the UHU.

Strawberries producers from Spain, France and Italy demand greater control in the repackaging of the productions of other countries
The Hispano-Franco-Italian Contact Group, made up of representatives of strawberry producers from France, Italy and Spain - grouped together in the Producers and Exporters Association of Fresa de Huelva, Freshuelva, integrated in FEPEX, held a meeting end of February to analyze the current campaign and the status of joint work developed in the phytosanitary field. Thus, they have agreed to demand from the respective administrations a greater control of the re-packaging of strawberries from other countries - after highlighting that this fact is occurring with the Moroccan strawberry in Spain or with the German strawberry in France - as well as scrupulous compliance of phytosanitary regulations, guaranteeing consumer safety at all times.

Interfresa repeats its solidarity initiative “Campanadas con fresas”, in favor of the Association for the Fight against Cancer
The Interprofessional Association of the Strawberry Andalusian (Interfresa) repeats this year its solidarity initiative 'Campanadas con fresas', in favor of the Spanish Association for the Fight against Cancer (AECC), with which it is expected to achieve a greater economic contribution for this organization . In three days, 12,000 cartridges will be distributed in twelve towns in Huelva province, to celebrate with this fruit the entry of the new year. In the words of the manager of Interfresa, Pedro Marín, this initiative had already last year national echo to the point that from cities such as Madrid, Barcelona or Bilbao have received requests to do it this year. But despite the high demand, from the Interprofessional can not commit to have the quantities of strawberries needed.

Strawberries of Europe is promoted with a second edition of its ‘Fresatario’
The Strawberries of Europe promotion campaign launched this summer the second edition of its 'Fresetario', a digital publication that brings together a selection of 20 recipes, with the strawberry as the main ingredient, which have been elaborated by renowned gastronomic bloggers from Spain.

Andalusian agro-food exports to the United Kingdom grew 15.6% since July 2016
After a little more than a year after the announcement of the…

FRUIT LOGISTICS supports the III Red Fruits Congress with a block of international papers
FRUIT LOGISTICA, the most international commercial platform in the sector of fresh products, supports with a block of international papers the III Congress of Red Fruits, organized by Freshuelva and will be held on 21st and 22nd June in Huelva. In these interventions will delve into the trends and expectations of the berries market in European countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany.

Greenvas launches a new line of pots for hydroponic cultivation
Greenvass has presented its new line of pots for the hydroponic cultivation of different seeds, including red fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and gooseberries. The new pots of 10, 18 and 25 liters have the optimum volume and dimensions for the cultivation of these fruits, so the process of a perfect crop can be further optimized.