EU works with the transport sector to reduce GHG emissions
European ministers of the areas of Environment and Transport analyze the future of transport in Europe and technological innovation as an opportunity to improve the environment and energy efficiency of fuels and vehicles. The goal is to work together to achieve further reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in both sectors.
Spain and China: a deal to export stone fruit to the Far East
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Spanish Environment signed in Beijing, the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements to open the Chinese market for Spanish exports plum, peach, nectarine and Paraguay, closing the long process of negotiation between the MAGRAMA and phytosanitary services and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of Quality of RP Beijing China (AQSIQ its acronym in English).
Beef farmers against climate change
The ambitious European project Life-Beef Carbon's primary goal is to identify, demonstrate and disseminate good innovative practices in farm to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of beef by 15% by 2025. The Life-Beef Carbon project was selected as a Agricultural six strategic actions of the Action Agenda Lima-Paris Climate Change Conference COP 21 in Paris.
Spain has three stronger cooperatives
Associative Entity Priority is the spearhead of the food industry. The AN Group is a strong, diversified and well-sized cooperative example, as Ovispain and DCOOP, the other two groups that are part of this official figure who drives a professionalized cooperative model with relevant to produce and market global dimension and therefore generate more value, employment and wealth.
Spain: Best EVOO of the season and have names
The oil that has received the most organoleptic score in the blind tasting has been presented by Finca La Torre, SLU, Bobadilla (Malaga), which has won the "Spain Food Award for Best Virgin Olive Oil Extra (EVOO) of campaign 2015 - 2016 ", awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA).
Spain: The meat industry continues to party
The Spanish meat industry continues to grow abroad. In 2015, it exported 1.95 million tons worth 4,844 million euros worldwide. The sector accounts for 13% of industrial GDP of the country and more than 21% of the turnover and employment in the food industry. At the event, I have given the ANICE Awards in five categories: "Business Trajectory", "Friends of the Flesh," "Jose Flores Innovation", "Food and Health" and "Sustainability and Environment".
Cotton: The first step to defend common interests of the sector
Producers and ginners drive the creation of interprofessional cotton in Spain. Improve the product, adapt to demand and set a differentiated strategy promotion are the main objectives of the association. The sector remains assumes that advance quality, enhance the fiber and maintaining the value of cottonseed.
Spanish pig sector looks to export. Miguel Ángel Higuera
Spanish pig sector supporting an unprecedented crisis since the…
Spain: A dismal year without milk quotas
On the first anniversary of the removal of milk quotas balance is disastrous, according to COAG: prices ruin the farmer, mass closure of farms, industries that "negotiate" based on blackmail and those who are seated in the large centers of production collection routes abandoned while leading imports. In addition, the agricultural organization qualifies political leaders unable to resolve the situation.
Spanish agriculture: very consumed, little known
The Business Association for Plant Protection (AEPLA) has made the "I Survey Perception and image of Spanish Agriculture" in order to know what they think about this sector and its products and how are citizens of a country mostly urban like ours.