
UPA, dissatisfied with the Plan of measures to alleviate the crisis of the stone fruit
In its assessment of the Plan recently presented by MAPAMA to tackle the structural crisis affecting the stone fruit sector, the Union of Small Farmers (UPA) has expressed its dissatisfaction with a measure that, although necessary, qualifies as insufficient "and" a disappointment ". UPA has indicated that the Plan "forgets small family farms and requires a larger budget.

Spain: the sweet fruit sector asks for urgent aid to be able to face the next campaign
Before the suffocating lack of liquidity, derived from several years with prices below production costs, the sweet fruit sector has demanded from the Minister of Agriculture urgent support measures so that producers can face the next campaign. Among the actions requested are tax reductions, aid and moratoriums for loans contracted, soft loans and remission of Social Security contributions.

Ministry and horticultural organizations study the elaboration of a Strategic Plan for the fruit of bone
The Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabanas, held a meeting with the representative organizations of the fruit and vegetable sector on October 10th, at MAPAMA headquarters, to present the program of work planned by the Department for the elaboration of a Plan Strategic for the sweet fruit sector.

MAPAMA will convene a working group to agree on measures against the structural crisis of the stone fruit
At the beginning of October, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) will convene a broad working group to agree on a package of measures aimed at unlocking the structural problems affecting the bone and pome fruit sector, according to the director general of Productions and Agricultural Markets, Fernando Miranda, during a meeting held on August 4th with representatives of the fruit and vegetable sector, to analyze the difficulties of the campaign of fruit of bone.

The Board promotes the Water Table of Almeria, with the incorporation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment
The Junta de Andalucía has decided to promote the Almeria Water Board, with the incorporation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development and Environment and Spatial Planning. This has been reported by the new Agriculture Minister, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, in his recent visit to the province to meet with representatives of the horticultural sector. An opportunity that has taken advantage of to advance the commissioning of said Bureau, in the second half of next July. In this way, and as highlighted by Sánchez Haro, the Andalusian Government reinforces its commitment to direct dialogue with the agricultural sector in Almeria, in order to address the challenges posed by a policy for the use of water resources in its production area.

Germany accounts for almost half of the contributions made to the public consultation on the CAP
Germany is the EU country most involved in the public consultation process on the CAP, which took place between 2th February and 2th May, with 47% of the almost 323,000 contributions. A fact that has been given to know about the recent trip organized by the Directorate General of Agriculture of the European Commission, with the aim of disseminating among European journalists of Member States the most important aspects of agricultural policy and the fruit and vegetable sector.

Spain: EC approves additional quota for the withdrawal of 3,015 tonnes of fruit and vegetables
As part of the exceptional measures against the Russian veto, the European Commission has granted Spain an additional quota for the withdrawal of 3,015 tonnes of fruit and vegetables by publishing a resolution in the Official Journal of the EU (DOUE) of March 4th. This measure responds to a request from Spain, which requested the reallocation of the 18,000 tonnes that were not used by other Member States. Following the reallocation of the additional quotas, Spain remains the second beneficiary Member State of aid to producers, behind Poland.

Asaja Murcia demands that the Government focus efforts to reopen the Russian market
The professional agricultural organization ASAJA Murcia demands the Government of Spain to work with intensity, from the highest levels, to achieve an end to the Russian veto of EU products and to recover a market "fundamental for the fruit and vegetable sector".

Open new quota for removal of 500t of plums by the Russian veto
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) has approved a new quota for the removal of 500 tons of plums, within the exceptional measures against the Russian veto. This new extension is adopted after the first additional quota of 500 tonnes allocated last August 23th has been consumed.

Spain: Cooperatives calls for improvements in the management tools of EU crisis
The European Commission took the first step for the adoption of a regulation to regulate the exceptional measures for fruit and vegetables from June 30 and for one year. These measures, which will give continuity to those in force today, respond to repeated requests from, oblivious to geopolitical tensions between the EU and Russia, but main victim, and the administrations of the major producing countries European fruit and vegetable sector.