
Fademur denounces the precarious pensions of rural women
In the current context of concern about the future of pensions, the Federation of Rural Women's Associations has pointed out that rural women are the poorest face of the pension system, the "most fragile" element, as stated in a press release. press. In the opinion of this organization, this is due to the gender gap that characterizes the Spanish rural environment, where the work of women "has been and is still invisible". Thus, the work of this group in front of agricultural operations is not mostly collected in the Social Security system, without losing sight of the fact that their job opportunities in the field are less than those of men or women in the cities. As a result of all this, when reaching the retirement age, rural women receive the lowest pensions: non-contributory and widowhood.

“For Equality in Agrifood Cooperativism”
Institutional Statement of the movement of Cooperativist Women of Castilla-La Mancha, signed by its spokesperson, Carmen Vallejo Garcelán.

The Galician agri-food sector, of the most represented in FIMA
The 40th International Fair of Agricultural Machinery (FIMA), which takes place in Zaragoza from 20th to 24th February, has recently been presented in Galicia. Precisely, this is a community of strategic importance for this event, since it is one of the regions with the highest representation, with a total of 20 companies participating in this edition.

Globalcaja strengthens its collaboration agreement with the La Mancha agri-food cooperatives
In the framework of the General Assembly of Agro-food Cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha, held recently in Tomelloso, the agreement of collaboration that this Association had with the banking entity Globalcaja has been renewed, which contributes to reinforce in many ways the collaboration that have maintained for years both entities in the matter of training and promotion, among other areas.

Tejerina renews its position under the challenge of creating more wealth for the rural milieu
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has renewed her position during the ceremony held on the occasion of her appointment on Monday, November 7th, assuming among her many challenges and commitments the creation of greater wealth For the rural environment.