
Murcia and Almería unite to defend farming in south-eastern Spain
The Spanish regions of Murcia and Almería have joined…

Proexport requests from Europe facilities in the transport of perishables
The President of PROEXPORT conveys his "deep concern about the negative impact that the COVID-19 crisis is having on road transport of perishable food."

A Eurotour to explain how fruits and vegetables are produced in Europe
Juan Marín, president of FruitVegetablesEUROPE (EUCOFEL), and MEP Clara Aguilera, presented in Brussels the campaign 'CuTE, Cultivating the taste', which will show European fruit and vegetable production to EU citizens.
Pro Event Calendar
Jornada “Futuro y digitalización” Proexport. Murcia
PwC organiza el 9 de julio en Murcia, en colaboración con Proexport y Aepla, una jornada sobre los avances que se imponen en las empresas agrarias.