
Patatas Meléndez, innovation in the day to day
Patatas Meléndez, the company that currently accounts for 20%…

New Genomic Techniques in potato breeding
Potatoes are the fourth most important food crop in the world…

A special and successful virtual event for the potato sector
On 10 June the European potato community virtually gathered for…

“The new potato campaign is going well; the consumer is interested in the national product “
Interview with Alfonso Sáenz de Cámara, manager of Udapa who…

Udapa strengthens its range of products with the V Range
Natural potato, without preservatives or colorants and with a…

“Porbatata represents more than 50% of the production in Portugal”
Sérgio Ferreira, president of Porbatata, (the potato portuguese…

Miss Tata, the brand for the Portuguese potato
Porbatata – Portuguese Potato Association creates brand to…

José Blanco claims EC aid to offset losses caused by potato blight
The Socialist MEP, José Blanco, has called on the European Commission, through a parliamentary question, to enable the necessary aid to compensate for the economic impact suffered by farmers affected by the potato pest. The Commission itself acknowledged in its parliamentary response that "in the affected areas, under Regulation (EU) No 652/2014, subsidies could be granted in certain circumstances in order to assist the national competent authorities to adopt eradication measures and to compensate owners for the value of spoiled vegetables".

EU: Spain will defend approval of the protocol proposed by the Canary Islands to eliminate Guatemalan moth
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has assured that the Spanish Government is working so that the protocol proposed by the Canary Government for the elimination of the Guatemalan Moth is approved in the European Union, so that the Canary Islands potato can be exported back to EU territory. Protocol which, in its day, was sent to the European Commission and whose approval is currently being negotiated.