
Spain: new record in turnover of olive exports of the 2016/17 campaign
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), has published the bulletin of foreign trade of olive oil corresponding to the 2016/17 campaign, which shows a new record of turnover, with a value that exceeds in more than 600 million € the previous campaign.

The Priego de Córdoba PDO obtains the first prizes of the 2017/18 campaign
The Protected Designation of Origin "Priego de Córdoba" has received the first prizes of the 2017/18 campaign, after being awarded some of its oils in The Best Products Awards of the Natural Spaces of Andalusia.

The cooperatives estimate an oil production of 1,100,000tn
At its annual meeting of the Sectoral Council of Olive Oil, held on October 31th in Jaén, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España has made an estimate of olive oil harvest, which will be over 1,096,900 tons, which means a decrease of 14.7% with respect to last season.

Sánchez Haro: “e-commerce is a great opportunity for the Andalusian olive sector to go further”
The II Business Agro Business on the olive sector, "Olivar: quality and innovation for international markets", held today in Cordoba, was inaugurated with the interventions of the mayor of Cordoba, Isabel Ambrosio Palos, and the Andalusian Minister of Agriculture, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, who has highlighted the enormous opportunity offered by digitization through e-commerce so that Andalusian olive oil reaches more distant countries.

Rodrigo Sánchez Haro will inaugurate the II Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector
The Andalusian Councilor for Agriculture, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro will inaugurate next Wednesday, October 25th, the 2nd Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector, "Olivar: quality and innovation for international markets". This event is organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Comercio Agrario (ECA) together with ASAJA Córdoba, the cooperative group DCOOP, and the strategic collaboration of Extenda-Andalusian Agency for Foreign Promotion and the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of Andalusia (CAPDER).

The 2nd Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector already heats engines
On October 25th, the Royal Botanic Garden of the capital of Cordoba will host the II Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector, "Olivar: quality and innovation for international markets". This event, organized by e-Commerce Agrarian (ECA) and SIETE Agromarketing, a communication and consulting agency specialized in the agro-food sector, hopes to repeat the success of the call and participation of its previous edition, celebrated last November 15th in Toledo , thanks to a careful program that includes the interventions of leading experts and professionals in the sector.

Peru: Pro Olivo creates a management group to promote innovation within the olive sector
The Pro Olivo Association, which is made up of Peruvian olive processing and exporting olive and table processing companies, has recently created the Management Group of the Olive Innovation System, whose main purpose is to promote innovation within the olive sector. The establishment of this Management Group has been possible thanks to the support of the INNOVATE PERU Ministerial Program and once the Pro Olivo Association has successfully concluded the "Technological Innovation Agenda for the Technical and Commercial Development of the Olive Tree".

DOP Sierra Mágina, an Extra Virgin unrepeatable
In the Sierra Mágina mountain range, in the south-central zone of the province of Jaén, a unique extra virgin olive oil is produced from the 61,000 hectares of olive groves protected by the Protected Denomination of Origin Sierra Mágina.

Socialists ask the EC actions against the US anti-dumping attack on Spanish olive
Socialist Europarlamentarians have called on the European Commission (EC) to counteract the "anti-dumping" complaint against Spanish exports of table olives in the United States.
Pro Event Calendar
XI Meeting of Responsible and Teachers of Oil mills. Jaén
Next Thursday, September 7th, will take place in the Fairgrounds of Jaén (IFEJA), the XI Meeting of Responsible and Teachers of Almazaras, whose closing conference will be run by Javier Imbroda, former coach of Real Madrid and the National Team Spanish Basketball.