
Peru: Pro Olivo takes its achievements in technological innovation to the II Regional Forum of Economic Development
The Pro Olivo Association has shared in the II Regional Forum of Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean its successful experience with the Tenological Innovation Agenda for the technical and commercial development of the olive tree in the Tacna Region in Peru. Represented by its president, Luciana Biondi, Pro Olivo was selected by the international consultancy GIZ Peru to represent Peru in this representative forum, held at the end of June, in the Bolivian city of Tiquipaya.

I International Olivo Symposium in hedge, a direct look at the reality of this crop
The I International Symposium of the olive grove in hedge, Olint, recently celebrated by the University of Córdoba (UCO), Agromillora and Olint, technical magazine of Agromillora Iberia, represented a golden opportunity to obtain a more direct and close knowledge of the reality of this crop Super-intensive. An event that attracted more than 600 professionals from the sector, who gathered in the Aula Magna of the Campus Rabanales of the UCO.