
Cocktails made with extra virgin olive oils from Spain triumph at night in Paris
Olive Oils from Spain continue to fly aboard Iberia all over the world. The most punctual airline in 2017 continues to bring the benefits of one of the pillars of the Mediterranean Diet to consumers around the world. On this occasion, Olive Oils from Spain have been present at the launch of the new image and the renewed services of the company area in Paris, at the Hôtel d'Évreux. An event in which renowned informants, prescribers, clients and tourism professionals from the French country have been cited, who have been able to verify the versatility of the extra virgin olive oils from Spain as a novel ingredient in avant-garde cocktails.

Coag demands that the EU defend the black olive before the US attack
Hundreds of members of COAG Andalucía have spoken before the headquarters of the United States Consulate in Seville, headed by the Secretary General, Miguel López; the Provincial Secretary, Ramón García, and the olive manager of Mesa, Antonio Rodríguez.

The Fair of Montoro last the preparations for its celebration
The Olive Fair finalizes the preparations for its celebration highlighting a strong international character in its 19th edition. Just two days after its inauguration, the Diputación de Córdoba has hosted the official presentation of this biennial event at a press conference in which it praises Montoro as a world meeting point for professionals in the olive oil and olive oil sector.

The olive oil campaign closes in Spain with a figure equal to last year
The olive oil production campaign closes in Spain with 1,246,204 tons, a figure very similar to that of the previous year. In Jaen, the drop in oil produced was greater, by approximately 23%, with 386,434 tons compared to 505,000 tons last season. The outputs to the market last month are around 110,000 tons, while the monthly average marketing is 105,000 tons. The oil stocks are 912,000 tons, an amount with which, according to ASAJA-Jaén, there will be enough product to supply the market.

INNOLIVAR opens the deadline for the presentation of the candidatures of innovation olivar and of pre-commercial public purchase bidding
On May 4, the deadline for submitting proposals within the INNOLIVAR Precommercial Public Procurement Agreement, "Innovation and technology for a sustainable olive grove", began after the Pre-Market Consultation deadline and the administrative and technical specifications governing the process. There has been a delay due to its adaptation to the new Law on State Contracts. From that date until June 18 at 5:00 p.m., interested companies will have to submit electronically the necessary documentation so that their proposals are evaluated and, if applicable, they can be awarded one or several of the tendered lines. , in accordance with the provisions of its administrative and technical specifications.

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Fair of Mora, this year will be a reference for environmental recovery
The locality of Mora (Toledo) will celebrate during the days 27, 28, 29 and 30 of April the Fair of Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2018, organized by the consistory moracho on the occasion of the celebration of the Fiesta del Olivo, a traditional and well-known This year's celebration celebrates its 62nd edition on 28, 29 and 30 April, which has also been declared of National Tourist Interest for 51 years.

Todolivo: a visit to the ‘zone 0’ of the Xylella fastidiosa
Part of the technical team of the company from Córdoba, Todolivo, made a trip, along with IFAPA researcher Lorenzo León and doctoral student Alicia Serrano, last September to the region of Bari, where is located 'zone 0' of the Xylella fastidiosa . The objective, to know first hand its effects and the latest advances that are made in the fight against this bacterium.

The cooperatives estimate an oil production of 1,100,000tn
At its annual meeting of the Sectoral Council of Olive Oil, held on October 31th in Jaén, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España has made an estimate of olive oil harvest, which will be over 1,096,900 tons, which means a decrease of 14.7% with respect to last season.

The 2nd Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector already heats engines
On October 25th, the Royal Botanic Garden of the capital of Cordoba will host the II Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector, "Olivar: quality and innovation for international markets". This event, organized by e-Commerce Agrarian (ECA) and SIETE Agromarketing, a communication and consulting agency specialized in the agro-food sector, hopes to repeat the success of the call and participation of its previous edition, celebrated last November 15th in Toledo , thanks to a careful program that includes the interventions of leading experts and professionals in the sector.

Todolivo undertakes the works of its new headquarters, in the old factory of Pan Arenas
The company from Cordoba Todolivo will locate its new facilities in the old Pan Arenas factory, which has been acquired for this purpose. With its new headquarters, Todolivo seeks to provide a more efficient service to its customers, while transmitting a more avant-garde image, in accordance with its corporate identity. The company, expert in olive cultivation in hedge, plans to inaugurate the new facilities in early 2019.