
The sector will have a real map of stone fruit production in Spain
The Ministry of Agriculture is committed to the sector to make available to you the data that this CAP campaign has been obtained, for the first time, from the declarations of the farmers in relation to the surfaces dedicated to produce fruit in the set of Spain, plot by plot, and with varietal information and year of planting.

Six countries sign a common Ministerial Declaration against cuts in the CAP
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, met today, at the headquarters of the Department, with the Ministers of Agriculture of France, Stéphane Travert, of Portugal, Luis Capoulas, of Ireland, Michael Creed, the Secretary of State of Finland, Jari Partanen and the Secretary of Agriculture of Greece, Charalampos Kasimis, to agree a common declaration in defense of an adequate financing of the PAC.

MAPAMA presents the new UNE standards for the organic market
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment together with the Ecovalía Association have organized a National Day for the presentation of the new AENOR standards of inputs for use in organic farming, which has been held in Almeria, with the participation of the Deputy Director General of Differentiated Quality and Organic Agriculture, Javier Maté and the President of Ecovalía, Álvaro Barreda.