
First estimate of lemon harvest un Spain next season 2022/2023
AILIMPO’s first crop estimate of lemon for the next 2022/2023…

AILIMPO 1st Forecast Spanish Lemon Harvest 2021-2022
AILIMPO’s first crop estimate of lemon for the next 2021/2022…

AILIMPO presents to the EU an initiative to replace Citric Acid for Organic Lemon Juice
The Interprofessional Association of Lemon and Grapefruit of…

3rd Report on the spanish lemon crop of the 2020/2021 season
VERNA Lemon production is estimated at 343,000 tonnes.

Lemon production in Spain will increase 10%
AILIMPO estimates that Spain will return to normal harvest levels with 1,250,000 tonnes, an overall increase of 10%. Unequal behaviour according to varieties: Fino (+14%) and Verna (-2%).

Ailimpo works for bat conservation for pest control
AILIMPO and the naturalistic association ANSE work for the conservation of the Bigeye bat, very beneficial for the natural control of pests.

WCO presents annual Southern Hemisphere production forecast
The WCO Secretariat just collected and released the first crop production and export forecasts for the forthcoming Southern Hemisphere citrus season 2020.

The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) grants protection for the Summer Prim lemon
The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) has just granted protection to the Summer Prim lemon, a protection that extends throughout the entire territory of the Union until 2050.

This is the first forecast of Spanish lemon for the season 2018/2019
The first forecast of AILIMPO (preliminary evaluation) for the lemon harvest for the 2018/2019 season foresees a production of 1,300,000 tonnes in Spain with uneven growth of the two Spanish varieties: Fino and Verna.

Macri wants to turn Argentina in the world supermarket
The most professionalized exhibition of Argentine agroindustrial sector witnessed a historic landmark, no doubt testimonial. The presence of the president of the nation for the first time in Expoagro staged changing agricultural policy. The previous government had decided to interventionism and control of exports of agricultural products. Instead, Macri Administration is implementing and stimulating measures such as the reduction of withholding tax, currency devaluation and removes obstacles to sell more across borders. Obama's visit to the country is another opportunity to reopen or improve access to the US market for some of its productions.