
ASEDAS predicts an increase in Christmas consumption between 3 and 5%
The supermarkets of ASEDAS, Spanish Association of Distributors, Supermarkets and Supermarkets foresees an increase in Christmas consumption between 3 and 5 percent. They also expect the largest influx of customers during the Christmas and New Year weeks, especially on the weekends of the 23rd and 24th and the 30th and 31st of December.

Lamb in “prime time”
This second year European program to promote the meat of lamb and mutton in Spain will also feature a major television campaign in peak time audience through a new spot to be aired from Monday to Sunday, and in which new uses will be the protagonists to reach directly to consumers.

The promotion of lamb in Alimentaria 2016
INTEROVIC participate very actively in the next edition of the fair. It will do so with its own stand and through actions that will release the operation of the “Extension of Norma”, which makes possible the financing of the sector in the promotion campaign of lamb, which this year begins its second year. It will also be presented within the framework of the International Fair all actions planned this 2016, with the focus on training the canal, new TV spot and performances at the point of sale.

Lamb looks very fine
A comprehensive market study in Spain ensures that Spanish consumers improve their perception of lamb. The desire to consume mutton increased, improving perception of the value / price and earn positions the idea that it is a natural product. In fact, after the WHO announcement on meat and cancer relationship, only there was a decrease in consumption of 2% following the same (similar to rabbit and turkey) weeks, compared with 10% on average in the rest of meats.

Let´s falling on consumer habits to increase the value of lamb meat
The Spanish Agrifood Interprofessional Organization sheep and goats (INTEROVIC), through its coordinator, Thomas Rodriguez, highlighted in Brussels (Belgium) the importance to the sheep sector innovation and, in this sense, moved during intervention the importance of acting in consumer habits to achieve increased sales and value of lamb meat. His intervention has been framed in a forum with the most representative associations of the sheep sector in the European Union to discuss the future of the sector.