
Valentín Almansa: “Internal Health begins at the borders and with this idea we work from the MAPAMA”
The Director General of Agricultural Production of MAPAMA, Valentin Almansa, responds in the following interview to outstanding issues of his Department, such as the current situation of Spain in relation to the Xylella or the importance of the daily control that is carried out in the borders to preserve the plant and animal health of our productions. The last extension granted by the EU to the use of glyphosate, together with the export agreements that are being forged this year with third countries, have been other issues addressed.

EU: the Spanish field breathes, after authorizing the Commission the use of glyphosate for five more years
The Spanish countryside breathes easy, after meeting on November 28th the decision of the European Commission to finally authorize, for five more years, the use of the glyphosate herbicide. Gone are two years of negotiations and extensions that has had our agricultural sector in suspense, since, Spain would have been the country that would have been harmed the most, if the pressures for its prohibition have prospered, as it is assured from the agrarian union UPA. For its part, the ALAS alliance, which integrates UPA and ASAJA, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España, FEPEX, and the Spanish Association of Conservation Agriculture / Living Soils, appreciates that the official scientific agencies of the EU have been heard. endorse the use of this product, although it regrets that the renewal has not been for the fifteen years allowed by the regulations.

Spain: non-renewal of glyphosate would mean losing € 2.1bn and 5,000 jobs
According to the Socioeconomic Impact Study of Conservation Agriculture and the non-renewal of the authorization of glyphosate in Spain, prepared by the PricewaterhouseCoopers (Pwc) consultancy, to dispense with glyphosate-based herbicides would be a negative economic impact for our country. Would amount to 2,124 million euros, in terms of production, equivalent to 0.10% of National Production. In terms of employment, the losses that would result from the non-renewal of the use of this substance are estimated at about 5,000 jobs.

ALAS transfers to Arias Cañete the environmental implications of non-renewal of glyphosate
Representatives of ALAS (Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture) have transferred the possible environmental implications of non-renewal of glyphosate to Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Climate Action. Thus, from ALAS has insisted on the need to renew for 15 years this herbicide substance, used for more than 40 years.

ALAS calls on the Socialist Group in Congress to take the scientific approach to its decisions on glyphosate
Representatives of ALAS (Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture) met on April 6th with Felipe Sicilia, spokesman for Agriculture of the PSOE in the Congress of Deputies, to request the agreement of their Group with the importance of giving precedence to scientific criteria when deciding about the extension of the authorization of the use of glyphosate, showing, thus, its commitment to the Spanish field and with the scientific criteria that have always guided its decisions regarding the tools for the sustainability of the European agricultural model.

ALAS welcomes the scientific opinion of ECHA which rules out the health risks of glyphosate
Member organizations of ALAS, Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture (ASAJA and UPA, Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain, the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Living Plants (FEPEX) and the Spanish Association of Conservation / Soils (AEAC / SV)) have celebrated the scientific opinion of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) according to which "the scientific evidence available does not permit the classification of glyphosate as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction".

Spain: The main OPAs form an alliance that defends the renewal of the authorization of glyphosate
The Agricultural Professional Organizations (OPAs) at national and general level ASAJA and UPA, Agro-alimentary Cooperatives of Spain, the Spanish Federation of Producers Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Living Plants (FEPEX) and the Spanish Association of Conservation Agriculture / Soils Living (AEAC.SV), together with representatives of thousands of farmers, farmers, cooperatives, entrepreneurs and exporters of the Spanish agricultural sector, have formed the alliance ALAS - Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, to express support for the model of agriculture Sustainable intensification of production and renewal of the authorization of glyphosate for the maximum period authorized in Community regulations, justified by scientific criteria regarding their safety and use, environmental and economic and productive criteria.

Europe grants a temporary extension of the use of glyphosate
The European Commission has announced on Wednesday 29th, in a press release, the decision to extend the authorization of the use of glyphosate for a period of 18 months. Thus, the controversial herbicide may be used until the end of 2017, despite resistance from some EU member countries.