
New packaging rules adopted by the European Parliament
New packaging rules adopted by the European Parliament today…

Alliance for Sustainable Packaging for Foods is Launched
A coalition of non-profit industry and non-governmental organizations…

Sakata’s President visits Almería and Murcia Spanish Research Stations
During his tour in Europe, Hiroshi Sakata, President of the Corporation,…

Global food latam 2021 will take place in November
After the success of Global Fruit Latam 2021, the first edition…

Industry welcomes the return of Organic Food Iberia this September
It has been confirmed today that Organic Food Iberia will take…

European Green Deal: Commission presents actions to boost organic productio
The Commission presented an Action Plan for the development of…

Spain, the new “foodtech nation”
Spain is one of the only “foodtech nations” worldwide that…

AREFLH welcomes the European Parliament’s adoption of the report on the European Recovery Instrument for Rural Development
AREFLH strongly welcomes the European Parliament Agriculture…

Europe’s goal: stop biodiversity loss and create a healthy and sustainable food system
Both strategies are in line with the European Green Pact, with ambitious actions and commitments by the EU.

JBT commits to continuing to build on strong record for sustainability
Optimizing yield and minimizing wastage will remain central to JBT Liquid Foods’ plans for future business growth going forward.