
Spanish pig sector looks to export. Miguel Ángel Higuera
Spanish pig sector supporting an unprecedented crisis since the…

New nutrition labeling for berries of Huelva
Freshuelva and CaixaBank signed an agreement to promote a new nutrition labeling under new EU requirements in the field of berries. The project will be implemented by the Agricultural Industry Technology Center (Adesva).

TEN-energy: imagination to reduce huge irrigation costs
Spanish irrigators resort to creative ways to meet the superlatives electrical costs of its modern facilities. FENACORE calls on the authorities to promote the trans-European energy network, as a first step towards a common energy market in buying and selling energy.

EU: saving water and energy, the challenges of agricultural irrigation
In a context in which the irrigation electricity bill has soared 1,000% in the past eight years in Spain, what impact will the creation of the trans-European energy network is developing the European Union? The answers to this and other questions at the Technical FENACORE Day on 31 March in Madrid.

EU: Hops, a crop with export opportunities
Following bad weather conditions last year that have severely affected the harvest of hops in the EU, one of the main areas of work of the president of the working group "Hops" of farmers and agricultural cooperatives COPA-COGECA, Bernard Ingwiller will improve yields and creating export opportunities.

The positive impact of the plant variety for the economy and the environment
A world without plant variety would mean less food security and higher prices. 80% of the increase in wheat production in the last 15 years is attributed to the plant variety. Plant breeding has reduced by 33% the CO2 emitted by the EU over the last 15 years.

The threat of “black spot” flies over Europe
The Spanish citrus sector has sent a letter to the President of the Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, setting out concerns about the threat to plant citrus imports from third countries contagion risk of "black spot". One more year, the industry insists the Commission to prepare an automatic reaction, that if South Africa resends the contaminated fruit export season and if more than five interceptions are recorded, the EU close the border.

Spanish irrigators encourage the use of photovoltaics. FENACORE
Since the special rates deletion in 2008, the term of power has…

European program and IICA renews its website to share agricultural innovation
Technologies and best practices in cassava, potato, tomato and avocado, effective actions with an impact on the field, testimonies of producers and their experience in adopting innovations on their farms are some of the elements that can be found in the renovated website Regional Programme for Research and Innovation for Agricultural Value Chains (PRIICA). The portal systematises innovations and updated in four agricultural value chains information.
Pro Event Calendar

Technical FENACORE Day
In a context in which the irrigation electricity bill has soared 1,000% in the past eight years in Spain, what impact will the creation of the trans-European energy network is developing the European Union? The answers to this and other questions at the Technical FENACORE Day on 31 March in Madrid.