
The MAPAMA will publish in April a Manual of Shared Ownership of Farms
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) plans to publish a Manual of Shared Ownership of Farms in April, as was advanced in the second meeting of the working group on Shared Ownership, held on March 21st. With the participation of representatives of the autonomous communities, in this meeting the works carried out for this purpose were exposed. The guide includes an analysis by autonomous communities, a description of the process of registration in shared ownership and a block of frequently asked questions. It is aimed both at people interested in knowing the requirements necessary to register in a shared ownership, as well as at the managers and administrations involved in the process.

SIETE Agromarketing reaffirms with its Mujer Agro project its commitment to equal opportunities in the agri-food sector
From SIETE Agromarketing, this March 8th, Women's Day, we want to share our commitment to gender equality with the Women Agro project: in June 2018 we celebrated in Toledo the II National Forum of Agro-Professional Women, under the motto: "the equality is a task of Tod @ s. " We want to rescue the importance of women who occupy positions, positions and who, at the same time, are entrepreneurs, cooperatives and entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector. They are underrepresented in the political and economic decision-making spaces, where the majority representation tends to be masculine. That is why it is important to raise awareness of the inequality that still exists between men and women.

Do not miss the video of the I National Forum on Agroprofessional Women, of SIETE Agromarketing
SIETE Agromarketing has just launched the video about the 1st National Business Forum Agro 'Mujeres Agroprofesionales. For Equal Opportunities', held on June 7th in Seville. An audiovisual summary that shows the most important moments of an event, which had an excellent reception of public and a great repercussion in RR.SS., becoming trending topic in the city of Seville and number 51 in the whole country.

Achieving greater prominence, the main challenge for women in the agri-food sector
The importance of achieving a greater share of representativeness and protagonism is evidenced as the main challenge that still has to face the woman within the agri-food sector. A collective that constitutes a fundamental pillar for the development and future of the agri-food activity, as it has been revealed in the 1st National Business Forum Agro Women Agroprofessional. For Equal Opportunities'. This event has been organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Commerce Agrario on June 7th with the institutional collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (CAPDER) of the Regional Government of Andalusia , The Andalusian Institute for Women, as well as the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation.
Pro Event Calendar

I National Agro Business Forum ‘Agroprofesional Women. For Equal Opportunities’. Seville
On June 7th, the capital of Seville will host the 1st National Business Forum Agro 'Mujeres Agroprofesionales. For the Equality of Opportunities', organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Comercio Agrario (ECA), with the collaboration of the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (CAPDER) of the Junta de Andalucia, the Andalusian Institute for Women and Caja Rural del Sur Foundation, among other entities and companies representing the agro-food sector. Its objective is to create a space for debate where women and men can give visibility to the work developed by women.