
Argentina to increase its food exports to China through online sales
Alibaba Group has launched a new program that will allow Chinese consumers to buy Argentinean food in their online platform Tmall Fresh. An initiative that will increase the presence of Argentine fresh produce in the People's Republic of China and which has been the result of joint efforts by the Argentine Agency of Investment and International Trade and the Ministry of Agroindustry of the Nation.

UPA claims the role of agrarian activity as a brake on rural depopulation
The Union of Small Farmers (UPA) has presented its 2017 annual family agriculture report on July 12th, at a large event held in Madrid, which has become a plea for the essential role played by agriculture and livestock as rural promoters, and guarantors of the continued existence of peoples living and generating employment and wealth in their territory.

LA UNIÓ accuses the big distribution of sinking the price of watermelon
LA UNIÓ of Llauradors i Ramaders has denounced that the great distribution is dragging down in this campaign the prices of the watermelon, with offers reclamation of the product in its commercial centers. A situation, it warns, that will end up being extended to supermarkets, so as not to lose competitiveness.

APROSE advises certified seed as a guarantee of profitability and quality
Faced with the bad forecasts for the upcoming cereal season,…

The wine sector, satisfied by the EU-Japan agreement that will boost sales to this country
The wine sector has celebrated the principle of a trade agreement recently reached between the European Union and Japan, which will give a strong boost to wine exports to the Japanese market. Thus, the Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan, which could enter into force in 2019, eliminates import tariffs and includes protection for geographical indications.

Peru: Pro Olivo takes its achievements in technological innovation to the II Regional Forum of Economic Development
The Pro Olivo Association has shared in the II Regional Forum of Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean its successful experience with the Tenological Innovation Agenda for the technical and commercial development of the olive tree in the Tacna Region in Peru. Represented by its president, Luciana Biondi, Pro Olivo was selected by the international consultancy GIZ Peru to represent Peru in this representative forum, held at the end of June, in the Bolivian city of Tiquipaya.

25% of photovoltaic plants for self-consumption have agricultural use
The 25% of the photovoltaic plants for self consumption that are raised in national territory are destined to the agricultural activity, mainly to the cultures of irrigation. Specifically, in the last three years, solar plants with a total production capacity of around 25 megawatts (equivalent to 90 football fields) have been installed in the Spanish agricultural sector, which will allow irrigators to save up to 60% in electricity, Once the investment in the plates is amortized.

OIVE advocates in Congress to educate in the responsible consumption of wine before a future regulation on minors and alcohol
The Interprofessional Organization of Wine of Spain (OIVE) has defended before the Joint Congress-Senate Commission for the Study of the problem of Drugs, that the future regulation on minors and alcohol contemplates as pillars prevention and education, implying in the same whole society. In the course of her appearance before the Commission, which develops a paper on Alcohol and Minors in order to lay the foundations for a possible regulation of "non-alcoholic minors", its director Susana García, has exposed the intention of the wine sector to contribute to offer solutions to this problem. In that sense, she has announced the intention of the OIVE to elaborate a Code of Commercial Communication of the wine that protects the minors.

Aguilera calls on the EU to urgently authorize the advance payment of CAP aid in Spain
The Socialist MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee, Clara Aguilera, has urged the European Commission in writing to give a green light to the advance of 70% of CAP aid in Spain.
Pro Event Calendar

Webinario Women COMEX: women and management in the field of Foreign Trade
Free webinar, by Teresa Guillén Zulueta, aimed at opening a door to international trade for women entrepreneurs to boost their role in the field of internationalization, given that there are still large differences between men and women in the field of international negotiation, and there are no women's guides on this issue.