
The Coffee Route in Honduras increases its offer agrotourism
Eleven new initiatives agrotourism linked to the coffee sector, as specialty coffee shops, courses hospitality and tastings, spas and educational and recreational tours, have been added to the offer of the Tourist Route Coffee Honduras, with support from the Inter-American Institute cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE), which since 2015 working together to boost agritourism project design in this area.

The Coffee Route of El Salvador, award “Gourmet Excellencies” in FITUR
The Coffee Route is the new tourism product of the Salvadoran Tourism Corporation (CORSATUR), with attracting European tourists motivated by the experience that is offered through coffee linked to the process of blending nature activities and destinations with the cultural history. Tourism Minister Jose Napoleon Duarte Duran, has received the award, presented by the Excelencias Group in Madrid Spain, within the framework of the 36th International Tourism Fair (FITUR), which ends this January 24.