
World wheat production drops
A 23% reduction in Canadian durum wheat production and 9.5% less in European production are expected. Situation that makes expect a rebound in prices for European producers.

Syngenta launches its new fungicide ELATUSM against the main foliar diseases of cereal
Syngenta has presented its ELATUS EraTM distribution network in Spain, one of the major innovations planned for this year 2018. ELATUS EraTM incorporates a new active material, SOLATENOLTM. A new molecule with fungicidal action, with a broad spectrum against the main diseases suffered by cereal crops.

The American David Hula beats again a new world record in corn production
The National Association of Corn Producers (NCGA) made public last December 18 the result of its production contest of 2017, proclaiming the victory of David Hula. With a harvest of 542 bushels per acre at 16% humidity (equivalent to 33,444 kg / ha at 14% humidity, according to European parameters) the farmer of the state of Virginia broke the record that he himself held since 2015.

A cereal campaign marked by climatology
Opinion article written for ECA in which the general secretary of the Association of Grain and Oilseeds in Spain (ACCOE), José Manuel Álvarez, makes an assessment of the current cereal campaign.

Bolivia: Government boosts Genetic Research on Quinoa
The Government of Bolivia, through the Ministry of Rural Development and Lands and the International Quinoa Center (CIQ), in coordination with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), organized the First International Forum on the cultivation of Quinoa, under the heading "Opportunities and Challenges to the discovery of the quinoa genome". The objective of this initiative is to contribute to the strengthening of the country's quinuero sector.

Spain forecast grain harvest 23.4 million tons
Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain has made an initial appraisal of the grain harvest of 23.4 million tons with an expected yield 3.91 t / ha, once analyzed the situation in the field and yields

“Reap what you sow”
The next May 16 will be held in Sábada (Zaragoza-Spain) A Field Day show focused on the importance of certified seed cereal. Under the slogan "You reap what you sow" a series of presentations that will conclude with a visit to the fields of test and a meal in which attendees can exchange impressions will be made.

BASF launches Biathlon® 4D
The company has presented in Madrid its new solution for broadleaf weeds, Biathlon® 4D. Its name refers to its 4 dimensions that protect the cultivation of grain and give security to the farmer: The two active ingredients, tritosulfuron and florasulam, ensure excellent weed control broadleaf weeds such as poppy, cleavers, "cenizo", dandelion and chamomile, among others.

Spanish food and seafood exports are record: 43,700 million euros
The monthly report of foreign trade registered a 7.3% increase in sales to the agricultural, fishing, food and forestry abroad during the period December 2014 to November 2015. The value of imports was 33,793,000, representing an 8% annual growth. The balance stood at 9.965 million euros, an improvement of 5.2% over the previous period.
Pro Event Calendar

“Reap what you sow”
The next May 16 will be held in Sábada (Zaragoza-Spain) A Field Day show focused on the importance of certified seed cereal. Under the slogan "You reap what you sow" a series of presentations that will conclude with a visit to the fields of test and a meal in which attendees can exchange impressions will be made.