
USA: Asemesa warns that the investigation against the Spanish olive question the EU aid system
The Association of Exporters and Industrialists of Table Olives (ASEMESA) warns that the investigation of the Department of Commerce of the United States against the black olive of Spanish table question the system of aid of the European Union, and could have far-reaching consequences for all the agricultural sector of the EU.

US punishes with tariffs the Spanish export of table olives
The latest measure by the Donald Trump government to protect its agro-food productions to the detriment of international trade has been a severe blow to the Spanish table olive sector, whose exports will be taxed with a tariff. The first reactions to a measure that had been brewing since this summer, when Californian olive-table companies filed a complaint against the Spanish olive, accusing it of unfair competition, have not been delayed. Thus, the Union of Small Farmers and Cattle Ranchers (UPA) urges the EU to express itself immediately and forcefully against this "illegal and unjust" tariff, which will represent a commercial barrier of between 2 and 7%.

EU: latest Agriculture Council warns of failure of crisis management measures
The current crisis management regime of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is insufficient to address market crises and improve the competitiveness of producers in a free competition environment, as evidenced by the informal Agriculture and Fisheries Council of the European Union, celebrated in Tallinn, Estonia, from 3th to 5th September.

Francisco Martínez Arroyo: “in the debate of the CAP it is necessary to focus the consumers”
Francisco Martínez Arroyo, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development of Castilla-La Mancha reviews in this interview for ECA AGRI the most important issues of his two years of management. These include the Department's commitment to generational change, greater visibility of women in agriculture, and cooperative projects, not to mention rural development and environmental policies.

Good prospects of quality and price in the final stage of the olive campaign
Olive harvest forecasts in the final stretch of the campaign are optimistic, with a value-for-money ratio that the Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos (COAG) calls "balanced and sustainable".

UPA and COAG highlight 2016 as year of high production but low agricultural prices
In its usual year-end balance sheet, the agricultural organizations COAG and UPA have agreed to value 2016 as a year that has been characterized by a significant increase in production (which has grown in value to € 46.487 billion), as opposed to agricultural prices, which have been experiencing a general fall that COAG estimates at 4% and which, according to UPA, is the main cause, together with the inaction and lack of support from the political institutions, the coming economic choke suffering from food producers in Spain.

Andalusia is the Spanish region that receives more funds from the CAP
The MAGRAMA says that Andalusia receives 24% of rural development funds that come to Spain. Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabanas, stressed that farmers in Andalusia will be receiving more funds from the first and second pillar of the CAP. He also said that "is absolutely false" that Andalusia will lose 902 million euros of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2014-2020.