
Portugal, probably the best country for olive growing
By Juan Vilar Consultores Estratégicos
Portugal is one of…

Commercialized 145,400 tons of oil in July
The dynamism of the olive oil market is maintained, with 145,400 tons sold in the month of July. To date, the total quantity sold is 1,303,500 tons, 16% above the previous season, with a monthly average marketing of 130,400 tons.

Olive oil production will fall more than 40% next season
Cooperatives Agro-alimentary of Spain estimates a reduction of more than 40% in the production of olive oil for the next campaign. Andalucía and Castilla La Mancha lead the decline, which in the case of the latter region, could be up to 60%.

International olive growing: singularization as an incremental differentiation strategy
Opinion article on singularization as a differentiation strategy, written for ECA by Juan Vilar, strategic consultant and international expert in Olive Economics.

The Andalusian cooperatives warn of the tight availability of oil for this campaign
In its last Sectorial Council of Olive Oil, held in Jaén, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de Andalucía has warned of the tight availability of oil that will be available to supply the market, given the good commercialization index of the 2016-17 season and, above all, considering the important productive decline that is expected in the current one. A decrease due to the persistent drought suffered by the field and that is affecting the olive trees, which are already dragging a water deficit of several years. All this would lead to a disastrous 2018/19 campaign, taking into account that 70% of the Andalusian olive grove is rainfed.

The Priego de Córdoba PDO obtains the first prizes of the 2017/18 campaign
The Protected Designation of Origin "Priego de Córdoba" has received the first prizes of the 2017/18 campaign, after being awarded some of its oils in The Best Products Awards of the Natural Spaces of Andalusia.

The president of Globalcaja advocates internationalization in the olive sector
The president of Globalcaja, Carlos de la Sierra, has urged oil companies to bet heavily on internationalization, on the occasion of his speech during the Gala of Olive Oils in Spain. De la Sierra attended this event, sponsored by his entity, as another example of the closeness and commitment to a sector of great economic and social importance in the region and in Spain.

Rodrigo Sánchez Haro will inaugurate the II Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector
The Andalusian Councilor for Agriculture, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro will inaugurate next Wednesday, October 25th, the 2nd Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector, "Olivar: quality and innovation for international markets". This event is organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Comercio Agrario (ECA) together with ASAJA Córdoba, the cooperative group DCOOP, and the strategic collaboration of Extenda-Andalusian Agency for Foreign Promotion and the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of Andalusia (CAPDER).

The 2nd Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector already heats engines
On October 25th, the Royal Botanic Garden of the capital of Cordoba will host the II Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector, "Olivar: quality and innovation for international markets". This event, organized by e-Commerce Agrarian (ECA) and SIETE Agromarketing, a communication and consulting agency specialized in the agro-food sector, hopes to repeat the success of the call and participation of its previous edition, celebrated last November 15th in Toledo , thanks to a careful program that includes the interventions of leading experts and professionals in the sector.
Pro Event Calendar

La World Olive Oil Exhibition
La World Olive Oil Exhibition regresa con la magia del aceite…