The Spanish agri-food sector continues to pull strongly on exports, with a rise of more than 7% in 2017
The Spanish agri-food sector continues to pull strongly on exports from the Spanish economy, with an increase of 7% in 2017, reaching 47,236 million euros. One of the data that has been released during the course of the Conference, held on February 13th in Madrid by ESADE and the LAFER Foundation, The external agri-food sector in 2017: basic data, challenges and opportunities. Among the main conclusions of this debate is the fact that although our country continues to maintain its export strength, it still fails to create value. In fact, this issue together with the diversification of markets and digitalization are the main challenges facing the agri-food sector in the field of export.
The massive presence of the horticultural sector in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018 consolidates it as a reference fair
The massive presence of the horticultural sector in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018 consolidates this fair as the benchmark in its segment. The professional visitors and exhibitors - more than 77,000 professionals with decision-making power from more than 130 countries - have excellently evaluated their passage through it. After this edition, the eyes are already on CHINA FRUIT LOGISTICA, which will take place next May in Shanghai. And a few months later, in September, ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA, in the city of Hong Kong.
Agri-food exports between Peru and the Netherlands will be certified electronically
The agri-food exports between Peru and the Netherlands will be certified electronically, after signing the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI), through the National Service of Agrarian Health (SENASA) an Operational Agreement for the Exchange of Electronic Certificates, with the Dutch Food Safety Authority (NVWA). Through this initiative, both countries hope to reduce costs and transaction times in exports and imports.