
Agroexpo is positioned as the second national fair of the agricultural sector
From 24th to 27th February, the city of Don Benito in Paraná hosts the agricultural fair Agroexpo, which this year has become the second most important national panorama. Agroexpo stands out for the quality of its exhibitors and activities, which represent a business opportunity both in the present and in the business future of all attendees.

Traxion Optimall, the latest generation Vredestein tire, novelty at FIMA Zaragoza
The tire company Apollo Vredestein will present its latest generation Traxion Optimall tire at the next edition of FIMA Zaragoza. With VF technology (Very High Flexion) and designed for the upper segment of tractors, it has no equal in terms of traction, fuel efficiency and productivity, substantially reducing the total cost of operation. Another novelty that Vredestein will present next February in Zaragoza will be the expansion of its Traxion Harvest range, steering tires for harvesters.

Tejerina highlights the commitment of the Fira Agraria de Sant Miquel for precision farming
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, inaugurated the 63rd edition of the Feria Agraria de Sant Miquel and the 32nd edition of Eurofruit, highlighting the fair's commitment to precision agriculture, whose clearest example is the use of drones. She also congratulated the organization for the record number of exhibitors, occupied area and foreign countries participating in this last edition. In the words of García Tejerina, "we are in an interconnected and interdependent Europe" and pointed out that "thanks to joint agrarian policies, the European Union has become the world's leading exporter of agri-food products and that Spain's agri-food industry is the fourth European power and the world's eighth".

García Tejerina highlights Salamaq as an example of the ministerial commitment by the indigenous cattle breeds
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, has highlighted the Salamaq Fair as a clear example of the ministerial commitment for the conservation and promotion of indigenous breeds, "an animal heritage of undoubted value". For the Minister, the 1,400 specimens that participate in Salamaq 2017 show the genetic progress achieved by native Spanish breeds. García Tejerina, who made the remarks on the occasion of the inauguration on September 6th of Salamaq 2017, in which she was accompanied by the President of the Diputación, the Delegate of the Government in Castilla y León, and the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, referred to this event as "a symbol of what represents agriculture and livestock not in this land Castilian and Leon but in Spain".

The support of the primary sector allows Salamaq 17 to grow in content and quality
The Salamaq 17 Fair has consolidated its growth thanks to the confidence of the primary sector, growing in content and quality, with 532 unique exhibitors from 35 Spanish provinces of 14 Autonomous Communities, France and Portugal. The Fair, with a budget of 878,800 euros, increases the total occupied area to about 43,700 square meters.

FERCAM rewards the eight best manchego cheese of 2017
The competition of quality that celebrates the National Fair of the Field in Manzanares (FERCAM), that with 29 editions is one of the most prestigious and valued of the sector, has awarded the eight best manchego cheeses of the year in its different categories. Thus, in the section of curados and semi-cured, respectively, cheeses "Diaz Miguel" and "Montescusa" are imposed in the industrial category, while "Marantona" and "Chisquero" do in the artisanal.
Pro Event Calendar

International Machinery Exhibition (SIMA). Paris Nord Villepinte. France
From 24th to 29th February, it is held in Paris Nord Villepinte, SIMA 2019. The prestige and recognition of this International Exhibition of Machinery are endorsed by its great power of convocation. Thus, in the 2017 edition, 1,770 companies from 42 countries participated, accounting for a total of 232,000 visitors from 135 countries.

Agroexpo. Don Benito (Badajoz)
From 24 to 27 January, the city of Don Benito in Palencia will host the XXX edition of Agroexpo, which will be held in FEVAL | Trade Fair Institution of Extremadura, which will give a prominent role to the plum, a crop that places the region as one of the national and international leaders in terms of production and export volume.

Sant Miquel Agrarian Fair and Eurofruit Hall. Lleida
As usual every year, Lleida hosts a new edition of the Sant Miquel Agrarian Fair and the Eurofruit Hall, events that are held in parallel and will take place from September 28th to October 1st.

Salamaq Fair 2017. Salamanca
From 6th to 10th September, the Salamanca Fairground will host Salamaq 2017, Agricultural Sector Fair, which will coincide in its celebration with the 29th International Exhibition of Pure Livestock.