Bolivia: Government boosts Genetic Research on Quinoa
The Government of Bolivia, through the Ministry of Rural Development and Lands and the International Quinoa Center (CIQ), in coordination with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), organized the First International Forum on the cultivation of Quinoa, under the heading "Opportunities and Challenges to the discovery of the quinoa genome". The objective of this initiative is to contribute to the strengthening of the country's quinuero sector.

25% of photovoltaic plants for self-consumption have agricultural use
The 25% of the photovoltaic plants for self consumption that are raised in national territory are destined to the agricultural activity, mainly to the cultures of irrigation. Specifically, in the last three years, solar plants with a total production capacity of around 25 megawatts (equivalent to 90 football fields) have been installed in the Spanish agricultural sector, which will allow irrigators to save up to 60% in electricity, Once the investment in the plates is amortized.

ANSEMAT participates in a project to promote the use of intelligent agriculture technologies
The National Association of Agricultural, Forestry and Green Space Machinery (ANSEMAT) participates together with four European partners (the Agricultural University of Athens (Greece), Mad About Pandas (Germany), Inosens (Serbia) and Innovative Initiatives (Spain)) in the European innovation project GATES, acronym of "Applying GAming TEchnologies for training professionals in Smart Farming".

Fruitponic, of the Projar Group, increases the economic value of fruits such as nectarine up to 30%
The semi-hydroponic cultivation technology, Fruitponic, developed by the Projar Group together with the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA) contributes to increase the economic value of fruits in crops such as nectarine up to 30%, according to the results obtained in its tests of research, where there has been a 5% increase in fruit weight, even in situations of deficit irrigation of up to 30%. It is, therefore, a system that is suitable for large producers of fruit trees with poor production or water shortage.

Commitment to sustainable viticulture in the Priorat region
Europe is committed to a model of sustainable and high quality wine production in the Region of Priorat, through the LIFE PRIORAT + MONTSANT project, which has a budget of 1.5 million euros, co-financed by the European Union. This initiative is led by a Consortium of five entities, led by VITEC (Wine Technological Center) which, together with the Montsant Denomination of Origin, the Designated Priorat Denomination of Origin, the service company for sustainability Lavola 1981 and the Technology Platform will work for the next four years to develop and demonstrate a model of wine production in this Catalan region, based on the sustainable use of resources and that can be subsequently reproduced in other wine regions, Spanish and European.

Bayer bets on innovative solutions for more productive and sustainable digital agriculture
Bayer, in collaboration with ASAJA Sevilla and Vantage, met last May 23th experts from all areas of the agricultural sector to share knowledge and advance the development of digital agriculture as a path to a more productive and sustainable agriculture that can help meet the challenge of feeding 9 billion people by the year 2050. Bayer's Digital Farming Day brought together more than 300 professionals from the agricultural sector who had the opportunity to meet, discuss and learn about the digital transformation of agriculture today through various theoretical and practical activities.

Genesis Innovation Group was born to integrate the development and management of protected varieties of plants worldwide
Genesis Innovation Group has been born, a Valencian company that brings together a group of highly specialized companies in the development and integral management of protected plant varieties worldwide. An initiative that takes advantage of the success of the business model that Citrus Genesis has been applying for more than a decade in the development and management of new varieties of citrus, to penetrate other fruit species such as pomegranate, grape, kaki and other exotic fruits.

Elected Andalusia Awards for Agriculture and Fisheries to Sustain, Innovation and Diversification
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development has failed its 2016 Agriculture and Fisheries awards for sustainability, innovation and economic diversification, whose delivery ceremony will take place on May 16th at the Rectorate of the University of Cordoba. With these awards, are recognized the effort, work and innovative spirit of companies, entities, professionals and outstanding citizens in the agricultural, livestock, fisheries and agri-food sectors of Andalusia.

Anecoop knows where “the ideas are cooked” by his partner Huercasa
In line with prioritizing everything related to innovation and R & D, the Governing Board of the second-grade fruit and vegetable cooperative Anecoop visited the pilot plant of its partner Huercasa, known as the "Ideas Kitchen", in which the company focuses on the research and design of new products to remain a reference throughout Europe within the sector of vegetables of the 5th Range.

The Wine Technological Platform will present its strategic lines of R & D & I at its Annual Meeting in Cambados
Cambados, recently designated European Wine City 2017, has been the venue for the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Wine Technological Platform (PTV), which will take place on May 4th and 5th. An essential event for the wine sector, in which both partners and non-members of the PTV are invited to enjoy a program that will cover technical and recreational activities. All this, in an exceptional scenario, Bodegas Martín Códax. On the occasion of the aforementioned meeting, the PTV Technical Commission will present its 2017-2020 Strategic Innovation Agenda, which includes the main priorities and strategic lines of action for R & D & I for the future of the sector.