Internet, the perfect tool to strengthen exports in the agri-food sector
Knowing how to use a tool as powerful as the Internet to start a strategy of internationalization in cooperatives or agri-food industries has been the main starting point of the conference on "Digital Exports" held on 23th February in Tomelloso by Agro-food cooperatives Castilla- La Mancha, with the collaboration of Banco Santander.

Fenacore supports a project that will save on irrigation 30% of energy and water
The National Federation of Irrigation Communities (FENACORE) has participated in a European project whose objective is to promote on a large scale an intelligent irrigation system capable of saving up to 30% energy and up to 30% water, without affecting the quality standards that foreign markets demand for crops.

Globalization in the field of R & D & I in cereals
By Ignacio Solís Martel, technical director of Agrovegetal S.A.

Delegate®, new asset against Prays in olive tree of Dow Agroscience
Dow Agrosciences has a new material to kill Prays, one of the most harmful pests for the olive tree: Delegate® 250 WG. The 14th Symposium on Plant Protection was the scenario chosen by the company to publicize the benefits of using this insecticide.

Freshuelva promotes innovation in berries through three operating groups
The Strawberry Producers and Exporters Association of Huelva (Freshuelva) is firmly committed to promoting innovation in the red fruit sector, leading three operational groups for the development of R & D & I projects, for which assistance has already been requested to the regional Goverment, through the recent call by the Andalusian Administration to promote the creation of Operational Groups of Innovation.

The group of agricultural engineers aims at phytosanitary prescription to reinforce food security
Together with the technological company Agroslab, the General Council of Agricultural Engineers of Spain has presented, within the framework of the 14th Symposium on Plant Health, an app to facilitate the work of the agricultural technician in the prescription and make the process safer.

Unify criteria, the great challenge in phytosanitary registration
To unify criteria when addressing the phytosanitary product registration, for the benefit of society, is the great challenge in which representatives of all sectors involved in plant health in Spain (producers, exporters, technicians, manufacturers, distributors, and the Central and Regional Administration), during the closing day of the 14th Symposium of Plant Protection, which has gathered in Seville around 1,200 professionals.

Antonio Vergel: “Without phytosanitaries, agro-food production would be reduced by more than 50%”
Without phytosanitaries, agro-food production would be drastically reduced by up to 50%, and it would be impossible to ensure the food needs of present and future populations, according to Carlos Vergel, president of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas (COITAND). During the inagural day of the 14th Symposium on Plant Health, held in Seville from 25th to 27th January. Vergel regretted that a restrictive approach in Community legislation is making it difficult to register and use new products, although plant health is a key part of agricultural production. For its part, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Carmen Ortiz, has ensured that the Andalusian Government is working to promote plant health through aid to the Operational Groups of Innovation.