The first edition of the University Expert Course in Agro-Food Communication
On March 10th, the University Expert Course on Agro-food Communication, organized by the Association of Spanish Agro-Food Journalists (APAE) and the University of San Jorge (USJ), began its journey. A course supported by organizations such as Yara, AEPLA, Bayer CropScience, Foro Interalimentario and Cajamar, and whose objective is to train future journalists, improve training in the profession and help companies in the agri-food sector to exercise Journalism and Communication in an effective way.
Jerónima Bonafé: “Without women, the rural environment would not continue”
Coinciding with the commemoration of Women's Day, in ECA we want to claim the role and contribution of rural women professionals through this interview with Jerónima Bonafé, Secretary of the Governing Council of Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain, and President of Agro Cooperatives Of the Balearic Islands. With her, a clear example of a woman with a voice and a capacity for decision, in an environment where male leadership still prevails, we talk about issues such as the still low visibility of women in the governing bodies of cooperatives and organizations in the agricultural sector and, both, the need to continue working for a greater role of rural women.
Decco revolutionizes the freshness management of fruit with TruPick
In its philosophy of continuous growth and innovation, Decco has taken a step forward as a benchmark in the sector and has increased its product portfolio with the launch of TruPick, the latest generation 1-MCP technology to manage the freshness of fruit in the Post-harvest period.
Carbotecnia renews its collaboration with the University of Castilla-La Mancha in the program Sustertech4CH
Carbotecnia S.L. has renewed the collaboration it has been developing for more than 10 years with the University of Castilla-La Mancha, initiating a new biannual project of the state program of research, development and innovation oriented to the challenges of the Society, Sustertech4CH, under the title "Remediation Electrochemistry of soils and water polluted by organochlorines generated in industrial activities".
Internet, the perfect tool to strengthen exports in the agri-food sector
Knowing how to use a tool as powerful as the Internet to start a strategy of internationalization in cooperatives or agri-food industries has been the main starting point of the conference on "Digital Exports" held on 23th February in Tomelloso by Agro-food cooperatives Castilla- La Mancha, with the collaboration of Banco Santander.
Video of Siete Agromarketing with the highlight of “the Best AOVEs of D.O. Sierra de Segura 2016/17”
You already have at your disposal the video summary with the highlights of the Presentation of the Best Oils Extra Virgin Olive (AOVE) of the D.O. Sierra de Segura, corresponding to the 2016/17 campaign. An event held in Madrid, on December 14th, and organized in all its details by Siete Agromarketing, a communication and consulting agency at national and international level, with a long experience in the agri-food sector, and in which the Regulatory Council of this Denomination deposited its trust in awarding the coordination and start-up of this event.
Countdown to the APAE University Expert Course on Agro-Food Communication
Next Friday, February 24th, the University Expert Course in Agri-Food Communication, organized by the Association of Spanish Agro-Food Journalists (APAE) in collaboration with the University of San Jorge (USJ), will begin, and the last act of presentation took place The past 1 of February in the CaixaForum of Saragossa.
Fenacore supports a project that will save on irrigation 30% of energy and water
The National Federation of Irrigation Communities (FENACORE) has participated in a European project whose objective is to promote on a large scale an intelligent irrigation system capable of saving up to 30% energy and up to 30% water, without affecting the quality standards that foreign markets demand for crops.
Globalization in the field of R & D & I in cereals
By Ignacio Solís Martel, technical director of Agrovegetal S.A.
Delegate®, new asset against Prays in olive tree of Dow Agroscience
Dow Agrosciences has a new material to kill Prays, one of the most harmful pests for the olive tree: Delegate® 250 WG. The 14th Symposium on Plant Protection was the scenario chosen by the company to publicize the benefits of using this insecticide.