TPP: the most ambitious trade agreement in the history
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP, for its acronym in English) creates a tariff-free zone representing about 40% of world gross domestic product (GDP). The member countries of the treaty are the United States, Japan, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Agricultural quotas have been one of the areas that has cost close from a dozen countries, whose economic fundamentals differ profoundly.

Europe: Farmers and food industry need to coordinate facing the distribution
Horticultural interprofessional organizations of all countries also need greater coordination among them to present their petitions evenly in Europe and have more strength against large retailers. Inside the fair Macfrut 2015, it brought together representatives from Spain, France, Italy and Hungary. Macfrut 2015 fair has taken a step towards achieving consensus.

Chilean kiwi has a lot to say in Europe
The President of ASOEX highlights the marketability of the southern kiwi in one of the most important fairs in Europe for the fruit and vegetable sector: Macfrut, where technological aspects are analyzed, and innovation in new varieties and developments different markets, among other subjects. Ronald Brown has shown its concern for the New Zealand kiwi monopoly.

Argentina: Farming companies encourage R & D in soybean
Groups CREA in Southern Santa Fe focused their research to get greater yields of the legume with high protein level. After three years of testing, the results show that there is a positive relationship between well-fed crops and high levels of both yields and protein.

Mexico and Spain, a tandem at the right time
The Aztec country is going through a very sweet moment. Government reforms of Enrique Peña Nieto, during the three years of his term, are guaranteeing that is most attractive to invest. And it reaches 82,700 million dollars of foreign direct investment. Spain is the second largest investor nation in Mexico. Ambassador in the Iberian country welcomes involving "one of the largest economies with the greatest potential for the future".

Latinoamérica, con luz propia en Macfrut 2015
Successfully is closed the first edition of the "new way" of Macfrut, the horticultural fair in Rimini (Italy), with 39,000 visitors. A display of five came from another country. Ecuadorians, Mexicans and Dominicans: Macfrut has been successful in the Latin American delegations. The country of honor at the 32th edition of Macfrut was the Dominican Republic, whose exhibition space has been much visited.

Mexico: Irapuato Expo Agroalimentaria knows no limits
The 20th Expo Agroalimentaria from Irapuato changes dates and exhibition area and demonstrations of agricultural equipment too. Mexican fair is held from 24 to 27 November and moved its facilities to the 6.5 kilometer road Irapuato-Abasolo, in the Rancho "La Florida".

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment promotes frozen seafood fair in 2015 CONXEMAR
The institutional Pavilion will occupy an area of 100 square meters and will have different promotional and information boards relating to fishery products and internationalization.

World Day milk at school
With this celebration the importance of children know the value of health for consumption of milk and milk products is emphasized. The Spanish government is working on a national strategy consumption of dairy products in schools, with a budget of over 7 million.

The annual meeting of NAFO maintains the stability of the quotas available to the Spanish fleet
Slightly increases the quota for cod in Division 3M. The remaining stocks of interest to Spain maintain their quotas or increase slightly from the previous year. Protection zones in the NAFO closed to fishing on seamounts present in the Regulatory Area, to be important places for vulnerable marine ecosystems expand.