The EU is investing 230 million euros in projects of cooperation in the field of fisheries
Brussels has funded over 50 projects between 2007 and 2014. The EU recalls the figure in the 2015 European Year of Development.

“Born in Spain, admired around the world”
Spanish food product has long since banished complex. The sector runs parallel roads to the explosion of the sport in this country. The top sports competitions in many disciplines ceased to be a barrier to hit ball, basket, motor or paddle. Football, basketball, Formula 1, motorcycling and tennis have their names: Iniesta, Gasol, Alonso Márquez or Nadal. In the mouth, other "names" are distinguished in the table and break the frontiers of international markets: olive oil, wine, ham and meat products, preserves or fruits and vegetables. Anuga 160,000 visitors have witnessed.

Elections in Argentina: Scioli and Macri, to the ballotage
It is already final. There will be an unprecedented second round…

The European Commission signed a tuna agreement that guarantees the permanence of the Spanish purse seine fleet in the eastern Pacific
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has attended the meetings held in Brussels by the European Commission with the Cook Islands to assist in negotiations conducted from 19 to 21 October.

Crustaceans to create a more environmentally friendly fertilizer
Researchers at the Center for Biotechnology and Plant Genomics (UPM-INIA) develop a method to obtain a clean bio-fertilizer that also is able to regenerate the soil degraded by overharvesting.

Chile: Subpesca maintains the ban on sardine and anchovy from Valparaiso to Bío
The representative of the Subpesca in the Bio Bio Region, Lilian Troncoso said that "the figures do not allow to reopen the season and we will be very responsible adjust as recommended by the Scientific Committee on that line. We call the artisanal sector and industry to continue to respect the ban and thus ensure good reproductive process".

The World Day of Fruits and Vegetables in Latin America and Spain
The World Day of Fruits and Vegetables coincides this year with the World Food Day. "Fruits and Vegetables, an opportunity for a sustainable health life" is the slogan of this 3rd edition. The main objective is to educate the world population of the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. Many countries around the world develop activities Around this day. The International Alliance of Associations and Movements "5 a day" has developed many activities for the purpose.

Agricultural engineers together to the challenge of feeding the planet
In the Sixth World Congress of Agricultural Engineers, held at the Expo of Milan, monograph on the challenge of food has been prepared the Charter of the agronomist includes ten principles of the definition of a technical strategy and environmental sustainability for the entire planet and especially for developing areas.

Spain: Social factor grows in purchasing decisions
Four in ten consumers would pay more for products from socially committed companies, according to a report by consultancy Nielsen. More than one in three have in mind when making the purchase social values associated to a brand. The decisive environmental factor for more than 30%.

Conxemar celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries FAO
The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, stressed that "the exercise of responsible fishing has been a priority for this government."