Magical realism of Colombia Seeding
Colombia is magical realism, also in its agricultural sector. The coming-of Siembra Colombia (main project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) was held under the slogan "Food Sovereignty and pantry in the world", something that leaves to be curious.

UPA rejects that agriculture is a bargaining chip in negotiations on a free trade agreement between EU and US
The Union of Small Farmers and ranchers (UPA) participates today…

Spanish irrigators defends water planning in Brussels
The National Federation of irrigators communities (FENACORE) defends in Brussels to the European authorities the second cycle of water planning to avoid a possible revocation of the plans of the Tagus and the Ebro, to those who have raised their complaints to the European Parliament arguing that do not meet Community legislation on the environment.

Mexico: New routes for trade in perishable
Pro Mexico supports producers in the business mission at the Port of Philadelphia. With an infrastructure of more than 60,000 m2 of refrigerated warehouses, Terminal Produce Philadelphia, in the Northeastern United States, aims to become a key point for the distribution of fruit and vegetables from the Gulf of Mexico and other regions Central and South America.

Resilience of the Spanish marine environment, in detail
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has presented the first report on the impact of climate change in the Spanish marine environment introduced by the Director General of the Spanish Office for Climate Change, Valvanera Ulargui, who stressed that the report "is intended provide a better understanding of our marine environment, especially rich and diverse, but vulnerable to climate change. "

EU: The beef cattle seeks to curb the crisis
The most representative European associations of beef cattle manifest the serious situation of crisis in the beef in some Member States of the EU and warn of possible degradation of the situation in the second half of 2016 unless the EU takes place decisive action to correct critical aspects of beef cattle stocks. They add that before this, the adoption of any multilateral trade agreement is totally suicidal and propose to Brussels a series of actions to avoid greater evils.

Over 2.200 million for the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy
Spain could have more than 2,200 million euros from the European…

Central America expects the impact of “La Niña” in their fields
"La Niña" is associated with heavy rains and floods, which would generate serious implications for the agricultural sector in the region. At a seminar led by IICA the impact it could have this phenomenon in the sector, which would manifest itself early in the second half of this year were discussed. Countries such as Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama and the Dominican Republic will face rainfall above normal, which in some cases could affect musáceas plantations (banana and plantain) during the first phase of the rainy season.

Andalusia is the Spanish region that receives more funds from the CAP
The MAGRAMA says that Andalusia receives 24% of rural development funds that come to Spain. Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabanas, stressed that farmers in Andalusia will be receiving more funds from the first and second pillar of the CAP. He also said that "is absolutely false" that Andalusia will lose 902 million euros of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2014-2020.

Andalusia more vigilant foreign pests in citrus
The Andalusian Plan of Phytosanitary Surveillance for citricultura pursued in 2016 with the development of the program Phytosanitary Monitoring Plan Andaluz in Citrus, designed to enable early detection and eradication of foreign harmful organisms that may affect the cultivation of citrus Andalusia. Thus its possible dispersion in the Andalusian region is avoided and minimized damage in productions to quickly react to the first symptoms.