Argentina: two years more to export milk powder to Brazil
An Argentina delegation of private sector actors and the Ministry of Agro-industry of this country, through the Secretariats Dairy and Markets closed on June 6 in the city of Brasilia an agreement to extend, for the following 24 months, milk powder exports to Brazil. This agreement, of paramount importance to the dairy industry, aims to promote in the world Argentine products with added value.

The Trelleborg Group increases its dimension with CGS Holding
The CGS Holding, a leading private enterprise in industrial and special agricultural tires and engineering solutions of polymers has recently gone to swell the volume of the Trelleborg Group. An acquisition that involves an investment of 10, 9 billion Swedish kronor (SEK), free debts. CGS is headquartered in the Czech Republic and in 2015 generated sales of approximately SEK 5.6 billion, with an operating margin of 16.5%.

Colombia prioritizes rural development to reduce poverty and inequality
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Colombia Development (MINAGRICULTURA) prioritizes five public policies to boost development in rural areas, through a new work plan to be developed jointly with the Agricultural Society of Colombia (SAC) and which aims to increase the incomes of farmers and reduce poverty in the countryside.

Peru exports fresh asparagus and blueberries to the US without fumigation requirement
From May 10th, 2016, Peru can now exports to the United States asparagus and fresh blueberries without the requirement fumigation required for these crops, as a result of the meetings held by the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation of Peru, Juan Manuel Benites with undersecretary of Agriculture of this country, Ed Avalos. It has also been managed the access to the US market, with 320 million consumers, of new products such as tomato, cherimoya and aguaymanto.

Spain: García Tejerina defends the role of agriculture as an agent of economic development
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has claimed the role of agriculture and the food industry as agents of economic development that contribute to the fight against poverty and income inequality, especially in countries . García Tejerina, who has made these statements during his speech at the conference of ministers and senior officials of Agriculture G20 held in Xian (China), said the importance of this meeting to establish a consensus that promotes sustainable development agrarian.

Mexico: International Seminar on the cranberry industry
With a global vision of the agri-food business, e-Comercio Agrario and Siete Agromarketing have been betting on the sector Cranberry in Mexico, whose expectations have risen precipitously over the past five years, attracting now new investments for over 150 million dollars to reach an ambitious goal of 4,000 hectares involving more than 800 producers in the states of Jalisco and Michoacan. The 28th and 29th of June, is celebrated Consulting Seminar Berries in the comfortable Terrace Andares, located in one of the main business areas of Guadalajara, in the heart of western Mexico.

Spain: Interprofessionals, the key to the revitalization of the fisheries sector
The Secretary General of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA), Andres Hermida, has claimed the role of professional organizations such as dynamic agents of the sector, its main purposes, provide such essential issues as the promotion of fishery products. Hermida has made these statements at the opening of the 17th Congress of Sea Products, organized by the Spanish Association of Commercial Codification (AECOC) in the French town of Bayonne.

The collapse of tomato market in EU
The Spanish Federation of Exporters of Fruit Producers and Vegetables, Flowers and Live Plants (FEPEX) has sounded the alarm over the strong saturation of the tomato market in the European Union drawn largely, the strong growth in recent years have been experiencing productions from Belgium and the Netherlands and imports from Morocco. One concern that has moved to the European Commission, during the meeting of the Panel on tomato forecasts of that organism, held today in Brussels

The green gold of Latin America continues to expand
With the approval of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), issued May 27, avocado producers -located Jalisco in western Mexico may certify within the next five years, more than 1,200 vegetable gardens equipped with modern technologies which have a combined area of 16,000 hectares planted avocado Hass.

Angel Villafranca, new president of Cooperatives Agro-alimentary of Spain
Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain in Madrid today held its General Assembly, which has been reelected president Angel Villafranca, president turn Agro-Food Cooperatives of Castilla La Mancha.