Grants to support new markets and promotion of fishery and aquaculture products
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) published in the Official Gazette (BOE) a call for aid for the development of new markets and promotional campaigns of fishery products and aquaculture 2016, provided with a budget of 250,000 euros.

Colombia develops a plan to strengthen the cocoa trade and promote their access to new markets
The Ministry of Agriculture of Colombia (MinAgricultura), Fedecacao…

Argentina and China cooperate in biotechnology
Argentina and China are working on cooperation in biotechnology. To this end, the Argentine Ministry of Agro Industry through the undersecretary of bioindustry, Mariano Lechardoy, has led a mission to the People's Republic of China to co-chair a meeting of the Working Group Chinese-Argentinian in Biotechnology, taking place until Thursday, July 28th.

Argentina close ties with the US Department of Agriculture and the World Bank
The Ministry of Agro Industry of Argentina (Minagro) has strengthened ties with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the World Bank, following meetings recently held by his undersecretary of Agriculture, Luis Urriza, with representatives of both entities. Some encounters that served to see estimates of agricultural production and the National Irrigation Plan.

Argentina will host for the first time the Assembly of the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture
From 8th to August 10th, Argentina will host for the first time the Ordinary Meeting on Organic Production Food of the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture (CIAO). In the eighth edition of this Assembly, to be held in Buenos Aires, the proposed work plan for the period 2016-2017 will be presented. After this event, on August 11, will take place the International Seminar on Organic Production, organized by the Ministry of Agro Industry of Argentina (Minagri).

‘QuinuArroz’ new strategy to encourage the consumption of quinoa in Ecuador
As part of the recent meeting in Quito by the new Andean Network of Quinoa Producers, Ecuador filed on July 13th strategies developed by its public company National Storage Unit to promote the consumption of quinoa in the country. These include the supply of 'QuinuArroz', a mix of cereals with nutritional properties, effectively contributing to nutrition and diet caloric.

EC allocates 500 million euros to support measures for the dairy sector
The European Commission has adopted a third package of measures to support the dairy sector, worth 500 million euros, in the Council of Agriculture Ministers held on July 18th, which, as stressed the Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina, collects all the requests that Spain has been raised to Brussels in recent months, to alleviate the critical situation being experienced by farmers in dairy cattle.

Mexico: loads of fresh fruits and vegetables at the Port of Philadelphia increased by 19%
The port terminal of Philadelphia aims to become a key to the distribution of fruit and vegetables from the Gulf of Mexico and other regions of Central and South America point.

American corn resurfaces with the potential of wild varieties
Although Mexico is the center of origin, there are more than 400 breeds of corn scattered in the United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay.

People and bees. Mayan bees in the Madrid Codex
Every morning, when you have a cup of coffee, orange juice or sparkling bread with honey, without even account, enjoyed an ecosystem called pollination which depend three out of four edible plants. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the economic contribution of pollination is estimated to be up to 170.00 million annually, equivalent to 10% of the total food value.