Chile: ASOEX starts its first fruit promotional campaign in Madrid in an airport
The Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile AG (ASOEX) starts today, August 14th, in Madrid and until next September 14th, the first promotional campaign of Chilean fruits in an airport, taking advantage of the fact that Chile is in full export season of apples, kiwis and pears, fruits that will be the perfect snack in the restaurants of Madrid Airport. Together with the promotion of the consumption of Chilean fruits as healthy snacks, this activity seeks to expand distribution channels.

MAPAMA will convene a working group to agree on measures against the structural crisis of the stone fruit
At the beginning of October, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) will convene a broad working group to agree on a package of measures aimed at unlocking the structural problems affecting the bone and pome fruit sector, according to the director general of Productions and Agricultural Markets, Fernando Miranda, during a meeting held on August 4th with representatives of the fruit and vegetable sector, to analyze the difficulties of the campaign of fruit of bone.

EU: escalation of EU imports of vegetables from Morocco, Turkey and Egypt
Community imports of vegetables from Morocco, Turkey and Egypt have experienced an unstoppable climb in recent years. A trend that has been reinforced in the first four months of 2017, compared to the same period of the previous year, with growth of 17% in the case of Morocco, 51% in Turkey and 20% in Egypt, according to the latest data updated by the Office of Statistics of the European Union (Eurostat), processed by FEPEX.

Verd Camps Fruits, first European company certified in the calculation of water footprint and carbon in watermelon
Verd Camp Fruits, associated with Grupo AGF since 2007, is the first European company to be certified in the calculation and verification of its water and carbon footprint for the cultivation of Fashion watermelon, being the first time a horticultural production company has evaluated sustainability and water and carbon efficiency in the cultivation of watermelon, in general, and Fashion watermelon, in particular.

Mexico directs its efforts to increase its sales of pork and berries to Japan
The Government of Mexico has intensified contacts with authorities and marketing firms in Japan to increase exports of pork and berries to the Japanese country. These efforts are part of the work being carried out by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) to diversify markets in countries of the Asia-Pacific Region.

From today, you can apply for the aid of the Plan Renove de Maquinaria Agrícola
From today, August 2nd, and until next September 15th, farmers interested in modernizing their tractors and automotive machines will be able to apply for the aid of the Plan Renove de Maquinaria Agrícola 2017, whose announcement was published in the BOE, yesterday, 1st of August, by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA). This Plan of Renovation of the national park of agricultural machinery will count on a budget of 5 million euros.

The MAPAMA increases up to 200M€ supports drought
The Ministry of agriculture and fisheries, food and environment (MAPAMA) will increase to 200 million euros credit funded owners of farms affected by the drought, as set out in the Ministerial order issued on August 1st in the official State Bulletin (BOE). Such aid, which will help alleviate the difficulties in the access to credit of these farms, will be managed through guarantees of the State Corporation Caución Agraria (SAECA).

The EC will apply to the Court of Justice if Italy is not more forceful against the Xylella
The European Commission has called on Italy to take stronger and more effective measures to stop the spread of Xylella fastidiosa. Otherwise, it is proposed to take the transalpine country to the EU Court of Justice, according to an opinion issued after the report of the visit last November of community inspectors to the Puglia region, affected by new outbreaks , and to which the UNIÓ of Llauradors i Ramaders has had access.

Socialists ask the EC actions against the US anti-dumping attack on Spanish olive
Socialist Europarlamentarians have called on the European Commission (EC) to counteract the "anti-dumping" complaint against Spanish exports of table olives in the United States.

Argentina to increase its food exports to China through online sales
Alibaba Group has launched a new program that will allow Chinese consumers to buy Argentinean food in their online platform Tmall Fresh. An initiative that will increase the presence of Argentine fresh produce in the People's Republic of China and which has been the result of joint efforts by the Argentine Agency of Investment and International Trade and the Ministry of Agroindustry of the Nation.