Peru: Pro Olivo creates a management group to promote innovation within the olive sector
The Pro Olivo Association, which is made up of Peruvian olive processing and exporting olive and table processing companies, has recently created the Management Group of the Olive Innovation System, whose main purpose is to promote innovation within the olive sector. The establishment of this Management Group has been possible thanks to the support of the INNOVATE PERU Ministerial Program and once the Pro Olivo Association has successfully concluded the "Technological Innovation Agenda for the Technical and Commercial Development of the Olive Tree".

Fresón de Palos makes a positive balance of its participation in Asia Fruit Logística
Fresón de Palos concluded its presence in Asia Fruit Logistics with a positive evaluation of its passage through this event, held in Hong Kong, brought together thousands of professionals and buyers from the sector from all over the world.

EU: latest Agriculture Council warns of failure of crisis management measures
The current crisis management regime of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is insufficient to address market crises and improve the competitiveness of producers in a free competition environment, as evidenced by the informal Agriculture and Fisheries Council of the European Union, celebrated in Tallinn, Estonia, from 3th to 5th September.

Olive exports continue to grow, with 15% more than in 2016
Exports of olive oil maintain their growth trend, as evidenced by the market data of olive oil for July, recently published by MAPAMA and that reflectes the good commercial rite that stems from this fact. Specifically, the total marketing in the tenth month of this campaign is 1,205,300 tonnes, 4.4% higher than the average of the last four seasons and 5% over the previous season.

García Tejerina highlights Salamaq as an example of the ministerial commitment by the indigenous cattle breeds
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, has highlighted the Salamaq Fair as a clear example of the ministerial commitment for the conservation and promotion of indigenous breeds, "an animal heritage of undoubted value". For the Minister, the 1,400 specimens that participate in Salamaq 2017 show the genetic progress achieved by native Spanish breeds. García Tejerina, who made the remarks on the occasion of the inauguration on September 6th of Salamaq 2017, in which she was accompanied by the President of the Diputación, the Delegate of the Government in Castilla y León, and the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, referred to this event as "a symbol of what represents agriculture and livestock not in this land Castilian and Leon but in Spain".

MAPAMA and FEPEX participate together in Asia Fruit Logistics to open new markets for Spanish fruits and vegetables
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), together with the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables, Flowers and Living Plants (FEPEX) participate in these days in the fair Asia Fruit Logistics, which has been holding in Hong Kong from 6th to 8th September, with the main objective of encouraging the opening of new markets for Spanish fruit and vegetables.

The support of the primary sector allows Salamaq 17 to grow in content and quality
The Salamaq 17 Fair has consolidated its growth thanks to the confidence of the primary sector, growing in content and quality, with 532 unique exhibitors from 35 Spanish provinces of 14 Autonomous Communities, France and Portugal. The Fair, with a budget of 878,800 euros, increases the total occupied area to about 43,700 square meters.

China is interested in Mexican avocado
The Mexican Government, through the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) has been advancing in its strategy of diversifying its agri-food exports to China, with the latest achievement being the visit soon to be made by health authorities of the Asian country to vegetable gardens of avocado of Jalisco to allow its importation. An initiative agreed within the framework of the delegation of SAGARPA officials to China, with the purpose of consolidating the sanitary steps for the approval of several protocols that will allow Mexico to expand the participation of agricultural products in that Asian market, one of the of greater importance due to the potential of consumption of its population and growth of its economy.

EU: Aguilera calls for greater harmonization and coordination in food and health alert systems
Socialist MEP and deputy chairwoman of the parliamentary committee, Clara Aguilera has demanded that the notification procedure followed by EU countries for the activation of the rapid alert system for food and feed be revised. Along these lines, Aguilera advocated the need for greater harmonization and coordination between the food and health alert systems of the Community countries. A petition, which was raised during the session held on 31st August in the European Parliament and in which the European Commission was accountable to the members of the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture on the protocols put in place to deal with the crisis of eggs contaminated with fipronil.

Spanish olive oil expands around the world
Olive oil 'made in Spain' does not need presentation. Just look at the lists of the best oils in the world, covered by Spanish brands, to realize that we are the true reference worldwide. The green gold produced in our country continues to cross borders and is known in every corner of the planet. Not in vain, exports continue to grow and each campaign closes with record numbers. The traditional shipments to European countries have been adding forcefully in recent years sales to markets with huge potential such as China, the United States and Australia, as well as Brazil, Mexico, Japan or Russia, among others.