Syngenta brings FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018 its main innovations in horticulture
Syngenta has deployed in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018 its latest innovations in plant innovation, with which it aims to differentiate itself and become the partner of choice for the entire food chain.

The massive presence of the horticultural sector in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018 consolidates it as a reference fair
The massive presence of the horticultural sector in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018 consolidates this fair as the benchmark in its segment. The professional visitors and exhibitors - more than 77,000 professionals with decision-making power from more than 130 countries - have excellently evaluated their passage through it. After this edition, the eyes are already on CHINA FRUIT LOGISTICA, which will take place next May in Shanghai. And a few months later, in September, ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA, in the city of Hong Kong.

Granada La Palma shows in FRUIT LOGÍSTICA its new varieties and innovation in packaging
Granada La Palma, a leading cooperative company in cherry tomatoes and specialties, has brought to Fruit Logistica the "authentic flavor" of its new varieties and innovation in packaging. During the three days that the great fair of the horticultural sector has lasted, Granada La Palma has once again had a notorious presence, through its stand of 128 square meters, located in Pavilion 18 of Messe Berlin.

EU: Hogan advocates prioritizing support for young farmers in the new CAP
The European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan, has advocated prioritizing support for young farmers in the new CAP, during the debate on the future of Agriculture and Food, which took place on February 12th in Seville with about a hundred citizens. In this event commemorating the 40th anniversary of ASAJA Sevilla, and held in the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of Seville (FIBES), the MEP of the group of Socialists and Democrats, Clara Aguilera and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina.

Alberto López: “FIMA has evolved and covers a real need for farmers”
Talking about the recent history of FIMA is talking about a constant, growing success, a task that, little by little, has achieved something very difficult: continue to beat brands with a very mature fair and a very competitive European market. Alberto López, commercial and marketing director of Feria Zaragoza, is part of that history.

The 40th edition of FIMA will feature King Felipe VI at its inauguration
King Felipe VI will inaugurate, on February 20th, the 40th edition of the International Fair of Agricultural Machinery, FIMA 2018. The show, which is held until Saturday 24th, has the presence of more than 1,550 exhibiting firms and occupies the eleven pavilions of Feria de Zaragoza. It will be the second time that the monarch visits FIMA, since he already did it in 2014, when he was still Prince of Asturias. Then he received the FIMA gold badge from the president of Feria de Zaragoza, Manuel Teruel.

The red fruits of Huelva are confirmed in Fruit Logística as a world reference in the sector
The sector of the red fruits of the province of Huelva has been present in the Fruit Logística (Berlin, Germany), confirming his production like world-wide referent by his excellence and bets by the sustainability. In this last edition, Grufesa, Plus Berries, Doñana 1998, Onubafruit, Surexport, Euroberry, Interterra SAT, Frutas Esther, Special Fruit, Driscoll's and FresRoyal have strengthened ties to consolidate the current European markets and have opened the possibility of starting new routes to export the berries from Huelva, whose demand and recognition in the market have been shown in the German fair.

The stand of Grupo Agroponiente in Fruit Logística, scene of a high institutional activity
The stand of Grupo Agroponiente (Agroponiente y Vegacañada) in Pavilion 8 of Fruit Logística 2018, in Messe Berlin, has served as a meeting point not only for visitors, clients, and potential commercial contacts, but also for representatives of different institutions. Thus, various local, provincial and regional offices have passed through the exhibition space of the company to be interested in their project and to know first-hand the characteristics of their plans in the short and medium term.

FIMA will host the delivery of the Tractor Awards of Spain 2018
For the second consecutive edition, the International Fair of Agricultural Machinery, FIMA 2018, will be the setting chosen for the delivery of the awards to the Tractor of Spain 2018.

The VI National Forum of Rural Development, one of the highlights of the Technical Conference of FIMA 2018
The professionalization of the agricultural sector will be the axis of the FIMA 2018 Technical Conference. Within the framework of these, one of the most important events of the program of this edition will be held, the IV National Forum of Rural Development, which will be held on the days 20th and 21st February. With these Technical Seminars, FIMA maintains its ongoing commitment to improving agricultural activity, working to improve knowledge and provide added value to the sector.