Levantine farmers demonstrate in Madrid to request water infrastructure and in defense of “the garden of Europe”
More than 15,000 farmers, irrigators, field workers, companies, citizens of Murcia, Almeria and Alicante, agglutinated in El Circulo del Agua, are demonstrating today, in Madrid, in demand for water and water infrastructure for the Levant, and in defense of its productive sector, based on the so-called "Huerta de Europa", key in the social and economic fabric of these regions. Under the slogan "In the Levant, without water: desert and unemployment Defend the garden of Europe!, the demonstration will begin at 12 noon on Calle Alcalá and will arrive at 13.30 at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, where there will be a concentration that will conclude at 14.30. In parallel, also today, in the Plaza del Callao in Madrid, 25,000 kilos of fruit and vegetables will be distributed, from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Strawberries producers from Spain, France and Italy demand greater control in the repackaging of the productions of other countries
The Hispano-Franco-Italian Contact Group, made up of representatives of strawberry producers from France, Italy and Spain - grouped together in the Producers and Exporters Association of Fresa de Huelva, Freshuelva, integrated in FEPEX, held a meeting end of February to analyze the current campaign and the status of joint work developed in the phytosanitary field. Thus, they have agreed to demand from the respective administrations a greater control of the re-packaging of strawberries from other countries - after highlighting that this fact is occurring with the Moroccan strawberry in Spain or with the German strawberry in France - as well as scrupulous compliance of phytosanitary regulations, guaranteeing consumer safety at all times.

García Tejerina praises the Alimentaria 2018 model as a world reference fair
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, highlighted the full support of her Department for the renewal of the Alimentaria 2018 model, which implies more integration, greater openness to the outside world and more innovation. García Tejerina made these statements on the occasion of the closing ceremony of the presentation of the International Food, Beverage & Food Service Exhibition, held on February 28th at MAPAMA headquarters. A fair whose success, as the minister has indicated, is demonstrated by its more than 4,500 exhibiting companies from 70 countries, the participation of some 150,000 professionals (30% are international) and the nearly 12,500 business meetings scheduled.

Spain: official estimates of olive production are fulfilled, with more than 1Mt at the end of January
The official estimates of olive production for the 2017/18 season are fulfilled, with a production of almost 1,050,000 tons at the end of January, according to the new olive oil market bulletin published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment. During the month of January, the provisional figures also show an improvement in the exits in the domestic market and in the export with respect to the previous month, with a total of 113,000 tons.

The new precision agriculture solution Bosch Field Monitoring was presented at FIMA
The application of the Internet of Things (Internet of Things) is getting stronger and stronger in agriculture. It is a segment for which the Bosch group, a global provider of technology and services, estimates a market potential of one billion euros worldwide. According to these forecasts, Bosch has presented in Spain, in the latest edition of the International Fair of Agricultural Machinery of Zaragoza (FIMA), its solution of precision agriculture Bosch Field Monitoring, already installed in crops such as the vineyard, citrus, the red fruits, the tomato and the olive grove. Through this tool, a greater monitoring and control of crops is sought to optimize resources, a growing need, especially in the current context of extreme situations caused by drought and frost, as a result of climate change.

The forgotten ones of the CAP
In spite of what it may seem, not all crops or producers receive direct aid, before single payment aid, from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Spain. In the payments of almost 4,940 million euros that will be paid this campaign in the autonomous communities as a whole, there will be leading sectors with a clear export vocation that will receive almost no direct subsidies from the Community Agrarian Policy. If we analyze them in order of economic importance, we have most of the vegetables and fruits, except for citrus fruits whose producers do charge but little in proportion to others, where no direct assistance from the CAP is perceived. The exception to citrus fruits are those surfaces of fruit and vegetables that come from the decoupling of old processing aids, nuts or beneficiaries who grew fruits and vegetables and other PAC crops.

Spain: AVA ASAJA warns that the agreement with Mercosur threatens the stability of the Valencian rice sector
The vice-president of the rice sector of COPA-COGECA -an entity that brings together the agricultural organizations and the European cooperatives- and leader of AVA-ASAJA, Miguel Minguet, has denounced in Brussels that among the proposals that are being debated these days, in the framework of the negotiations with the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay), is the importation with a reduced tariff of 45,000 tons of rice. A concession to exports of rice from the territories of the aforementioned alliance, which would have very damaging effects on the European rice sector and, by extension, on the Spanish and the Valencian.

UNIÓ denounces the first cases of poisoning of bees by pesticides
LA UNIÓ de Llauradors has recently denounced the first cases of poisoning of bees that have been detected this year, as a result of the use of pesticides in the flowering of fruit trees, which is usually given from these dates. Thus, in the town of Cheste (Hoya de Buñol), a beekeeper has seen most of his dead bees and beehives practically without activity, which he had installed in a settlement very close to a fruit plantation. He has filed the corresponding complaint with the Civil Guard Barracks of this town of La Hoya de Buñol and now it is the Seprona who investigates the event.

FIMA reaffirms its international leadership, exceeding 240,000 visitors
FIMA 2018 has been confirmed as a benchmark in agriculture 4.0 and international fairs of machinery for the agricultural sector, after a day of closure that shows the quantitative and qualitative leap experienced by this event. As the president of Feria de Zaragoza, Manuel Teruel, explained at the inauguration, FIMA has given way to a show that is at the forefront of the international market in terms of advances and development of agricultural machinery.

The T7.225 AC. of New Holland, best tractor in Spain in FIMA 2018
For the second consecutive edition, the International Fair of Agricultural Machinery has received the "Tractor of Spain" award, one of the most awaited awards by professionals in the sector. A recognition of national prestige that, in the same way as FIMA, aims to encourage the development of Spanish agriculture. On this occasion, the concrete model that has been raised with this recognition is the New Holland T7.225 AC. The professional jury has valued "its great versatility, its efficiency, the renewal of its engine and its harmonious design".