German wine and asparagus arrive in Spain to conquer our palates
GO TO HELL! How many times have you not said or heard that expression? Normally, it is used to remove someone who is bothering from your side. This saying originated in the nineteenth century knowing that this vegetable is cooked with the first boil and to fry it, however, it takes much longer. Germans know little of the Spanish proverb, but they do cook with asparagus since it is one of the pillars of their seasonal cuisine and they are true experts in culinary creation with asparagus. But they go a little further and understand the tasting of this vegetable in perfect marriage with the local wines: to each asparagus their good wine arrives, they would say. Or better yet, tell us what dish with asparagus you like and we tell you which house came better.

Cranberries, one of the five most important Chilean fruit products abroad
The president of the Federation of Fruit Producers of Chile (Fedefruta) Jorge Valenzuela, considers that the national market is going through a "very good moment". And, in his opinion, the demand for the fruit products of the country is showing an unprecedented boom.

The Ministry participates with the FIAB in the International Fair Specialty & Fine Food London 2018
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food participates, together with the FIAB (Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries), in the Speciality and Fine Food Fair that takes place in London (United Kingdom) from September 2 to 4, with a stand of 130 m2, where 27 companies of the sector are welcomed and the quality and variety of our food is announced.

Andalusia markets around 20,000 tonnes of fish and shellfish in the first six months of 2018
Basic foods go back to the Spanish shopping basket in SeptemberThe 25 Andalusian fish markets have sold 19,364.96 tonnes of fish and shellfish in the first half of 2018 for a value of 66.7 million euros. The average price per kilogram has been placed in the first six months of this year at 3.45 euros, above the 3.03 and 2.84 euros of the same period of the 2017 and 2016 courses, for, from the From the point of view of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, to compensate, "to a certain extent", the decline in production in a "difficult" context such as that experienced by the extractive sector as a result of the loss of considerable percentages of quotas of species such as hake and horse mackerel after the international negotiations led by the previous Government of Mariano Rajoy or the situation of the sardine fishery, without forgetting the "forced" closure of the fishing ground of the chirla.

Bioviti aims to use biodiversity as a competitive tool for wine growers
The operating group of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food #Bioviti, which aims to use biodiversity as a competitiveness tool for wine growers, has just taken its first steps with a meeting held in Valencia.

Food produced in Europe continues to be the safest
The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture - WINGS - celebrates the results of the 2016 EFSA Report on phytosanitary residues in food, which demonstrate once again the quality of the food we consume and the commitment of the agricultural sector to food security.

Millions of tourists enjoy this summer the versatility of olive oils at the airport of Palma de Mallorca
Throughout the month of August and until September 2, the millions of travelers passing through Palma de Mallorca Airport can enjoy the quality and versatility of olive oils in the Olive Oil Lounge, a multi-purpose space dedicated exclusively to this star product of the Mediterranean diet.

Afrucat works to open the Mexican market to the Catalan stone fruit
The technical team of Afrucat this morning accompanied a group of Mexican inspectors to different fields of Baix Segrià to analyze the feasibility of opening the Mexican market to the Catalan stone fruit. This initiative is the result of the joint work of the Association with the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Agriculture of the Generalitat and accelerated thanks to a reverse mission organized by Prodeca this year.

FEPEX transfers to the Minister a proposal to meet the challenges of the fruit and vegetable sector
FEPEX has transmitted to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, the main challenges of the fruit and vegetable sector, which includes the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU, third Spanish export market; the application of the CMO in Spain, and the insecurity over the supply of water resources in the main producing regions, proposing a set of measures with specific actions to modernize the farms, which will improve the competitiveness of the sector.

Ecuador exports 92% of its mango to the United States
As part of the promotion of the fruit, Fundación Mango Ecuador prepares the International Mango Congress for the seventh time in the country. Johnny Jara, executive director of the foundation, addressed the media explaining the benefits of the crop, and the importance of this event for foreigners and locals.