Interpoma Startup Award nominated the finalists
Space for quality innovation at Interpoma Connects - Digital…

New concept for Fruit Logistica Special Edition 2021
FRUIT LOGISTICA is announcing further details of its new…

Mission accomplished for the first webinar of the Eurocastanea network
Eurocastanea, the European chestnut network brought online nearly…

Macfrut looks to the future
Macfrut looks to the future with optimism. In order to meet the…

Italy-China Forum: a new Silk Road for the fruit and vegetable sector
Italy’s exports to China up by 74% in the first six months…

The countdown begins for Macfrut Digital
The numbers of the first and only digital trade fair for the…

The Global Citrus Congress will take place on November 5
Global Citrus Congress live is a must for the those who wnat…

New exceptional European measures to support the wine sector
The European Commission has adopted a complementary package of exceptional measures to support the wine sector, following the coronavirus crisis and its consequences in the sector.

The fig tree, a growing crop by specialists
The varietal research and the correct treatment of the fruit on the shelf has caused an important growth in the demand for fig plants, where Hernandorena is a specialist.

Questions and Answers on the EU budget: the PAC and Common Fisheries Policy
From the European Commission they want to clarify doubts about the new CAP and the FEMP (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, its economic distribution and its new strategic lines.