Huercasa brings to Fruit Logística its fresh beet cream
Huercasa will take advantage of its presence in this year's edition of Fruit Logistics, held in Berlin from 8th to 10th February, to launch its fresh fresh beet cream internationally, a product that will present as a novelty in this important showcase of the sector Horticulture at European level, and whose consumption is oriented to spring and summer.

Asaja Murcia demands that the Government focus efforts to reopen the Russian market
The professional agricultural organization ASAJA Murcia demands the Government of Spain to work with intensity, from the highest levels, to achieve an end to the Russian veto of EU products and to recover a market "fundamental for the fruit and vegetable sector".

The best tomato of the world will be promoted commercially in Fruit Logística
The Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Tomate La Cañada will commercially promote the best tomato of the world (#elmejortomatedelmundo) in Fruit Logística, through companies such as Agroponiente, Biosabor, Casur, Parque Natural or Vegacañada, which will have their own stands in this important exhibition. At the same time, work will be carried out to visit clients and attract new ones.

COEXPHAL blames the Andalusian Ministry for the loss of thousands of euros in organic production
The Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers' Organizations of Almería (COEXPHAL) claims that the delay by the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development in resolving cases to move from conventional to organic farming has led to Farmers and businesses lose thousands of euros in organic production. Dozens of farmers from Almeria who invested in new greenhouses for organic production during 2015 and early 2016 are forced to continue selling their organic products as conventional, with the subsequent loss of income, Organization.

The last storm causes losses of more than 170M € in the Valencian agrarian sector
The last torrential rains that have struck the Valencian Community have caused very serious damages to the agricultural sector, as they have denounced the agrarian organizations AVA-ASAJA and LA UNIÓ DE LLAURADORS I RAMADERS, that quantify the damages caused in agricultural infrastructures and crops (mainly of persimmon, citrus, table grapes and olive groves), in costs above 100 million euros.

The European Parliament, in favor of stricter controls on citrus imports
The plenary of the European Parliament, in a historic resolution, signed on 15th December the resolution adopted on 29/11/2016 by its Committee on Agriculture, an initiative of the Socialist Clara Aguilera, rejecting the draft of the European Commission, currently under discussion, on the safety of Community citrus plantations.

Miguel Vargas: “The demand for organic products is growing”
The Cooperativa Agraria y Ganadera San Isidro, better known as CASI, is one of the main marketers of tomatoes for fresh consumption worldwide. Located in the province of Almeria, it has three production centers from which it supplies its large customer base (exports about 40%). Its aim is to continue to exercise leadership in tomato production, mainly through innovation and quality. As a result, it launched its new 'CASI Aeropuerto' center a year ago, and expanded its catalog with products from organic farming. From e-Commerce Agrarian we have talked with its president, Miguel Vargas, about it.

The strawberry loses ground in the 2016/17 campaign against the rest of berries
Strawberry cultivation is down 7%, compared to the rest of berries (blueberries, raspberries and blackberries), which will increase by 22% for the 2016/17 season, according to data provided by the Onubense Association of Producers and Exporters of Strawberry (Freshuelva).

Spain: exports of fresh fruit and vegetables up 5% in value until September
The Spanish export of fresh fruits and vegetables in the first nine months of the year grew by 4.85% over the same period last year, reaching 9,093 million euros, despite having decreased in volume by 3.06%, reaching 8.9 million tonnes, according to data updated up to September, from the General Directorate of Customs and processed by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables (FEPEX).

Tecnidex supports the largest forum of citrus experts in the Mediterranean
The company Tecnidex supports with its sponsorship the International Meeting PHYTOMA-Spain, the largest forum of citrus experts in the Mediterranean that is held in Valencia on 22 and 23 November and which will meet near 400 professionals in the sector.