Montosa opens a laboratory for multiresidue analysis
In order to accommodate to a market that is strengthening the technical standards for agricultural waste every passing day, Montosa has recently opened its own multiresidue analysis laboratory. The intent behind this is to achieve the best guarantee in managing compounds that could be harmful for both the environment and the consumers' health.
Decco revolutionizes the freshness management of fruit with TruPick
In its philosophy of continuous growth and innovation, Decco has taken a step forward as a benchmark in the sector and has increased its product portfolio with the launch of TruPick, the latest generation 1-MCP technology to manage the freshness of fruit in the Post-harvest period.
UPA warns of an escalation of robberies in freseras holdings and calls for more vigilance of the Civil Guard
The Union of Small Farmers (UPA) has warned of the increase of thefts in the strawberry farms, due to the small number of Guardia Civil agents assigned to these areas. According to this agrarian union, this has caused thieves to enter the greenhouses at any time of day, which has led the strawberrt producers to organize into vigilance groups to protect their products themselves.
The value of horticultural exports in 2016 exceeds for the first time 12,000M€
The value of Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetables in 2016 increased 5% compared to 2015, surpassing for the first time 12,000 million euros, according to data published this week by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and processed by FEPEX, for which this figure "shows the positive evolution of the sector". In contrast, the volume of exports of Spanish fresh fruit and vegetables fell by 2%, with a total of 12.5 million tonnes.
The Huelva berries, diversification of production and markets
Alberto Garrocho, president of the Onubense Association of Producers and Exporters of Strawberry (FRESHUELVA), reflects on this opinion article, written for ECA, on the exporting vocation of the red fruit sector and its commitment to new markets and the diversification of Its production, providing forecasts of the current campaign.
Peru: The fruit and vegetable sector generates in Fruit Logística 200 million dollars in business
The Peruvian companies participating in the last edition of Fruit Logística have settled their participation in this important international fair of the sector hortofrutícola, closing businesses for a global value of 200 million dollars. For the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Eduardo Ferreyros, this is a "record figure", having exceeded by 32% the initial expectations.
The salons of wine, oil and fruit and vegetables of Feria de Zaragoza close with almost 27,000 visitors
The agri-food salons ENOMAQ, TECNOVID, OLEOMAQ, OLEOTEC and FRUYVER closed their last edition, last February 17th, with an important influx of professionals, more than 26,800, a fact that consolidates Feria de Zaragoza, organizer of these events, as a reference of the wine, oil and fruits and vegetables sectors.
Grupo AMC and Citrus Genesis ask that the authorities investigate if mandarins of the Sigal variety have been introduced illegally in Spain
In relation to information published by various media, including ECA, referring to a complaint by La Unió de Llauradors i Ramaders on the existence of plant material of the Sigal mandarin variety which would have been illegally introduced in Spain, Grupo AMC and Citrus Genesis have asked authorities to investigate the veracity of this information.
Castilla-La Mancha begins pollination with bumblebees to increase production in almond
Koppert Biological System has initiated the introduction of natural pollination with bumblebees in Castilla-La Mancha, to increase production in almond. To this end, it has developed and patented a hive, called commercially TRIPOL, designed specifically to pollinate fruit and woody crops, even with cold and other climatic adversities, and that contributes to increase the almond harvest up to 30%.
Bayer hosts an expert forum on Fruit Logistics to discuss the challenges of the fruit and vegetable sector
Bayer has participated in Fruit Logística 2017, held in Berlin, through a forum of experts in which it has analyzed and debated on the challenges and opportunities of the production of fruits and vegetables in Europe. Through this initiative, Bayer is firmly committed to the association of all parts of the food chain to meet the needs of consumers.