EU: escalation of EU imports of vegetables from Morocco, Turkey and Egypt
Community imports of vegetables from Morocco, Turkey and Egypt have experienced an unstoppable climb in recent years. A trend that has been reinforced in the first four months of 2017, compared to the same period of the previous year, with growth of 17% in the case of Morocco, 51% in Turkey and 20% in Egypt, according to the latest data updated by the Office of Statistics of the European Union (Eurostat), processed by FEPEX.

Verd Camps Fruits, first European company certified in the calculation of water footprint and carbon in watermelon
Verd Camp Fruits, associated with Grupo AGF since 2007, is the first European company to be certified in the calculation and verification of its water and carbon footprint for the cultivation of Fashion watermelon, being the first time a horticultural production company has evaluated sustainability and water and carbon efficiency in the cultivation of watermelon, in general, and Fashion watermelon, in particular.

Andalusian agro-food exports to the United Kingdom grew 15.6% since July 2016
After a little more than a year after the announcement of the…

Afrucat asks to increase from 30 to 40Mkg the withdrawal quota to recover prices on bone fruit
The Managing Director of the Business Fruit Association of Catalonia (Afrucat), Manel Simon, met on 31st July with his Italian, French and Greek counterparts to coordinate the request for an urgent meeting with the Commission's DG Agri European Union and demand an increase in the quota of withdrawal of the regulation of extraordinary measures in "that amount that is sufficient and reduce the high pressure that the prices of the fruit of bone of this summer are suffering".

Cebolla Fuentes de Ebro starts the campaign with the sights set on new markets
The Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) Cebolla Fuentes de Ebro has started its new campaign with a forecast of production of five million kilos, and its aim in the revaluation of this product (unique in the world for its organoleptic properties), the Prolongation of its commercialization and the commitment to new export markets.

The melon and the watermelon advance of the hand of the innovation
In the middle of the summer, like the one we are in, one of the most consumed products in Spanish homes is undoubtedly watermelon and melon. Far from past times in which the consumer had little to choose from, the sector is currently advancing in the development of new varieties increasingly adapted to the tastes and needs of the markets. And they do it in the hands of the main seed-breeding companies, which make available to the producers the best materials to achieve this.

Melon and watermelon: heat changes the trend in the sector and prices rise
After a difficult start of the campaign for melon and watermelon due to the absence of high temperatures, the heat during June and July, both in Spain and in the export markets, allowed the rebound of the quotations.

The campaign of melon and watermelon in CLM starts with prices below the cost of production
The beginning of the campaign of melon and watermelon in Castilla-La Mancha has recorded as main incidences the reduction of the surface in these crops and the very low prices at origin that, especially in the melon, do not cover the costs of production. On the other hand, the productive forecasts, even provisional, indicate that in recent years, the melon has been losing ground against watermelon.

The low production in Europe and the forecast of harvest in Catalonia auguran better campaign of fruit of nugget
The drop in European seed fruit and the good outflow of product in stock, together with the production forecasts announced on July 20th, augur a campaign of nugget fruit in Catalonia more positive than the previous one. Thus, apple and pear production will remain in this autonomous community this season with slight variations by demarcations and a decrease in the apple forecast of 7% (284,790t) and a 1% increase for the pear (139,970t) .

Spain: MAPAMA and the sector work together to export cherry to the Thai market
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) and the cherry producing sector work together to open the Thai market to Spanish exports of this fruit. As part of this negotiation, inspectors from the Office of Development and Research for Plant Protection of the Thai Department of Agriculture inspected cherry farms in Aragon and Extremadura in July.