The human value for UvasDoce
With an increase in its production of 8%, UvasDoce comes the…

The Global Citrus Congress will take place on November 5
Global Citrus Congress live is a must for the those who wnat…

Lemon production in Spain will increase 10%
AILIMPO estimates that Spain will return to normal harvest levels with 1,250,000 tonnes, an overall increase of 10%. Unequal behaviour according to varieties: Fino (+14%) and Verna (-2%).

Satisfaction with the adoption of additional European measures for the fruit and vegetable sector
Following the coronavirus crisis and its negative impact on the fuit and vegetable sector, the European Commission adopted on the 7th of July an additional set of exceptional measures to provide further support to fruit and vegetable producers.

New exceptional European measures to support the wine sector
The European Commission has adopted a complementary package of exceptional measures to support the wine sector, following the coronavirus crisis and its consequences in the sector.

Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect, to boost the fruit and vegetable business
Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect, the largest Marketplace and Professional Social Network in the world specialised in the fruit and vegetable sector

WCO presents annual Southern Hemisphere production forecast
The WCO Secretariat just collected and released the first crop production and export forecasts for the forthcoming Southern Hemisphere citrus season 2020.

Europe’s goal: stop biodiversity loss and create a healthy and sustainable food system
Both strategies are in line with the European Green Pact, with ambitious actions and commitments by the EU.

Commission adopts package of measures to further support the agri-food sector
The Commission published today the latest package of exceptional measures to further support the agricultural and food sectors most affected by the coronavirus crisis.

Current situation of the vitiviniculture sector at a global level
Speaking from the OIV´s Headquarters in París, Director General PAU Roca presented on 23 April information on wine production, consumption and international trade in 2019.