UPA urges the Government to take urgent measures against a “historic” drought
The Union of Small Farmers (UPA) has urged the Government of Spain to adopt urgent measures against a drought that qualifies as "historic". The shortage of rains since last autumn has led our country to an emergency situation that however, as denounced by the UPA agrarian organization, is "ignored" by the Government. Farmers and ranchers say they feel "abandoned and surprised" in the absence of a management plan for a crisis of great gravity.

AEPLA questions the impartiality and rigor of the IARC regarding glyphosate
AEPLA, a business association that represents the phytosanitary ware manufacturing sector in Spain, criticizes the conflict of interests and the lack of rigor in the IARC, an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), regarding glyphosate. In fact, in the last weeks and months there has been a constant trickle of information published as a result of journalistic investigations carried out by international agencies and relevant media from different parts of the world about irregularities of that agency, whose report served to justify the positions they advocate. Do not renew an essential tool that has been used for agricultural and non-agricultural uses for more than 40 years.

The cooperatives estimate an oil production of 1,100,000tn
At its annual meeting of the Sectoral Council of Olive Oil, held on October 31th in Jaén, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España has made an estimate of olive oil harvest, which will be over 1,096,900 tons, which means a decrease of 14.7% with respect to last season.

Apples Val Venosta modifies its structure, offering varieties and presentations to adapt to a changing market
VI.P-Apples Val Venosta has announced, during its participation in the Fruit Attraction fair, the changes that have taken place in its organizational structure and organization chart, offer of varieties and packaging, to adapt to a market in continuous change.

Freshuelva opens in Fruit Attraction new routes of commercialization and promotion for berries
Freshuelva has made a very positive balance of its passage through the last edition of Fruit Attraction in which, in addition to the participation, has increased the influx of public and demand for the red fruits of the province of Huelva. In addition, its active presence during the three days that has lasted this fair, has given the opportunity to open new routes of marketing and promotion for berries.

Cuna de Platero receives in Fruit Attraction the Prize of Internet to the Best Blog, granted by FruitToday
Cuna de Platero has consolidated in the last edition of Fruit Attración its commitment to the dissemination of healthy habits and the consumption of red fruits, a trajectory that has been recognized with the Star Prize of Internet that has given him in this fair the specialized magazine FruitToday . Thus, this company has renewed within the framework of Fruit Attración its agreement to join the Food and Health Program of the Spanish Heart Foundation and has become a professional partner of the Association "5 a day" in Spain.

Get a new edition of ECA FRUITS in Hall 6 Stand 6A01B Seven Agromarketing in Fruit Attraction!
On the occasion of the celebration of Fruit Attraction, SIETE Agromarketing has just launched the digital version of its specialized magazine in the fruit and vegetable sector, ECA Fruits. In addition, and in our constant commitment to be present in all events and forums of relevance related to this sector, in Fruit Attraction 2017 we go a step further, participating with a stand. From there, we will offer information about our complete and varied offer of services to all professionals and companies, who will have the opportunity to obtain a copy of the third edition of our bi-annual magazine ECA FRUITS. Visit us at Hall 6 Stand 6A01B and get it!

The Granada Kingdom, Grubenta’s scoop on the Innova catwalk of Fruit Attraction 2017
The horticultural company GRUVENTA will present at the Innova Pasarela of Fruit Attraction 2017 the grenade Kingdom, after its agreement with the company CALIFRESH, for which it will exclusively market the fruit.

The collective brand “Naranja de Valencia” successfully opens its way to the Spanish and European Distribution Lines
During the 2016/2017 campaign, the brands ORANGE DE VALENCIA and MANDARINA DE VALENCIA, registered by the Regulatory Council IGP Cítricos Valencianos, have successfully paved the way in Spanish and European Distribution, through different Supermarket Chains. This positioning of its products in the line of sale has evidenced its good acceptance and the growing number of consumers seeking oranges and mandarins 100% Origen Valencia (Valencian Community) with superior qualities, and certified at all times with the IGP Cítricos Valencianos label .

Grupo Projar takes Fruit Attraction its new eco-certified substrate for red fruits
The green sector company, Grupo Projar, will present a new ecologically certified substrate for the production of red fruits such as cranberry in the framework of the International Fruit and Vegetable Fair, Fruit Attraction, held from 18 to 20 October in Madrid. With this new product opens the door, in this type of fruit, to consumers with interest in organic products.