ASPROCAN estimates that damages caused by the storm in Canarian banana plantations could affect some 9,000 plots
The Association of Organizations of Producers of Banana of the Canary Islands (ASPROCAN) has made a first assessment of the damage caused to banana plantations of the Islands by the storm of recent weeks, which has brought winds of over 109 km / h and rain They have discharged up to 40 liters of water per square meter. Thus, in the absence of registering in the coming weeks the exact amounts, so far about 3,000 farms have reported claims and more than 7,300 plots have been affected, although the forecast is to reach up to 4,000 farms and 9,000 plots. In some areas of the western islands, estimated losses are around 30% of production.

Fademur considers successful the feminist strike in rural areas
The organization of progressive rural women (Fademur) has been proud of the success of the feminist strike in the villages. "The feminist struggle is an exercise in courage that, unfortunately, requires even greater sacrifices in the rural environment, where everyone is known and the population is more permeable to change, so that struggle becomes more complex," he explained. Fademur. Therefore, the organization has been "very satisfied by the millions of women who, with much courage, have taken this claim to rural areas".

Rosario Martín opens as the first president of La Unión, coinciding with World Women’s Day
The Union appoints president and CEO to Rosario Martín Maldonado, the first in the history of this Alhóndiga, coinciding with the celebration of International Women's Day. Martín, who will occupy this post for the next five years, succeeds Gabriel Barranco, who has served as president of this company for 20 years and becomes its honorary president. Both belong to the founding group of the company, created in 1993. The relay, approved today, March 8th, by the Board of Directors, places for the first time a woman at the highest level of responsibility in the Almeria agrarian sector.

The 11th day of Fertiberia on fertilization for Sustainable Agriculture analyzes the future trends in the sector
The Fertiberia Chair of Agro-environmental Studies celebrates its 11th Conference on Fertilization for Sustainable Agriculture on April 18th, under the heading "SECTOR OF FERTILIZERS, TRENDS OF THE FUTURE". This event will begin at 9 am in the Assembly Hall of the Higher Technical School of Agronomic, Food and Biosystems Engineering, Agronomists Building, of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. It will deal with a series of relevant issues that will affect multiple sectors related to agricultural activity and the environment.

Levantine farmers demonstrate in Madrid to request water infrastructure and in defense of “the garden of Europe”
More than 15,000 farmers, irrigators, field workers, companies, citizens of Murcia, Almeria and Alicante, agglutinated in El Circulo del Agua, are demonstrating today, in Madrid, in demand for water and water infrastructure for the Levant, and in defense of its productive sector, based on the so-called "Huerta de Europa", key in the social and economic fabric of these regions. Under the slogan "In the Levant, without water: desert and unemployment Defend the garden of Europe!, the demonstration will begin at 12 noon on Calle Alcalá and will arrive at 13.30 at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, where there will be a concentration that will conclude at 14.30. In parallel, also today, in the Plaza del Callao in Madrid, 25,000 kilos of fruit and vegetables will be distributed, from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm.

SIETE Agromarketing reaffirms with its Mujer Agro project its commitment to equal opportunities in the agri-food sector
From SIETE Agromarketing, this March 8th, Women's Day, we want to share our commitment to gender equality with the Women Agro project: in June 2018 we celebrated in Toledo the II National Forum of Agro-Professional Women, under the motto: "the equality is a task of Tod @ s. " We want to rescue the importance of women who occupy positions, positions and who, at the same time, are entrepreneurs, cooperatives and entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector. They are underrepresented in the political and economic decision-making spaces, where the majority representation tends to be masculine. That is why it is important to raise awareness of the inequality that still exists between men and women.

John Deere optimizes his equipment of vegetal protection by means of an agreement with Pulverizadores Fede
In its eagerness to offer the best technological solutions to its customers, Deere & Company, the American multinational agricultural machinery has established an alliance with Pulverizadores Fede - a Valencian SME based in Cheste - to optimize its equipment for the protection of special crops (citrus , fruit trees, vineyard, olive tree).

García Tejerina praises the Alimentaria 2018 model as a world reference fair
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, highlighted the full support of her Department for the renewal of the Alimentaria 2018 model, which implies more integration, greater openness to the outside world and more innovation. García Tejerina made these statements on the occasion of the closing ceremony of the presentation of the International Food, Beverage & Food Service Exhibition, held on February 28th at MAPAMA headquarters. A fair whose success, as the minister has indicated, is demonstrated by its more than 4,500 exhibiting companies from 70 countries, the participation of some 150,000 professionals (30% are international) and the nearly 12,500 business meetings scheduled.

Spain: MAPAMA and FEBE collaborate to boost the spirits sector
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment collaborates with the Spanish Federation of Spirits drinks to improve the competitiveness of the sector by signing a general protocol of action, which took place on March 1st. The agreement includes actions to promote sustainable growth and the internationalization of the sector, as well as the responsible consumption of these drinks. It also recognizes the opportunity to establish a stable framework for collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture and the spirits sector.

The apple and pear of Catalonia surpass the quotations of the past campaign, by the descent of production in Europe
The selling prices of the apple and pear are above the prices of last season, due to the productive decline experienced by pip fruit throughout Europe during the current season. Despite the optimistic figures and the correct valuation of the campaign, the Managing Director of Afrucat, Manel Simon, affirms that "we must not get distracted and trust, but we must maintain this fluidity of sales to eliminate camera stocks" .